He's found his voice...and I may need new windows

@simona111 My 7 month cattle dog/shepherd mix does a high pitched bark when she wants something and has things to tell me, but like other comments if she’s afraid/something’s suspicious she has a deep bark/growl
@rod288 This is definitely a conversational bark because he has a deeper, rumbly one for strangers and anything he feels is out of place. Before this week, he was mostly a grumbler when he wanted to tell us something. I miss those days!
@simona111 We call our Red the "smoke detector" because when he's pissed or needs something it's like a much louder version of the sound your detector makes when it runs out of batteries. We too hoped his "voice" would drop when he aged out of puberty but at 4 he's still shrieking along...
@luciddreamer That's hilarious! I've been calling it his "WOO-WOO-WOO" bark (almost 8 months old). Every once in a while Baz will hit that high tooth-loosening (I 100% know what you mean) note, but that's usually when he's being ignored. His deeper bark is taking precedence these days. I think he's trying to sound like my older dog.
@simona111 My mix had a cute little bark until he was a few months old and then one day he barked at someone outside the car and I legit looked back to figure how another dog could have gotten in. Imagine a little puppy with a scary as shit deep booming bark 😂
@rod288 Oh yeah mine sounds like Chewbacca now when we're playing and he's being goofy. But then when he is doing something really exciting but challenging like pushing around a herding ball, he does these loud yipping squeaking that sounds like he's being beaten. So vocal!

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