
@drsharles Absolutely and we checked for all of that. She tested negative for vaginitis or uti. I even got her blood tested and I did get a progesterone test because I used that to prove she was not in heat the day of the accident. I took her immediately after we ran the dog off. So all the tests were day of. She’s barely 7 months. And is taken tkt he vet often and I always get her tested every few months to see if she’s in heat just so I know when to be more careful with her out in public (with other dogs or the dog park). I take my pets health and safety very seriously so I’m always up to date on anything wrong with her or possible ovulation cycles. That’s why they said they seen absolutely no reason for that type of behavior from the male dog
@old_orthodoxyusa It sounds like you have covered your bases to prove this wasn't anything other than a behavior based incident. Depending on where you reside the laws should be on your side. You dog was on your property and an unsecured intact male came onto your property and injured your dog. Hope she's recovering well and won't be fearful following this.
@drsharles Thank you, she’s pretty scared as of right now. She doesn’t like being touched on her lower back or legs, her tail is an absolute no no. She is scared of the cats and other dogs. She won’t go outside. She hasn’t eaten since it happened. She went from a dog that loved to play, full of energy, never bit anyone in her life, well trained to it all falling apart after one incident. She bites if you touch her tail now. And no so her life isn’t at risk because of the 1. It’s law. I have to put her back into training and muzzle her now. They ruined her life. But that’s why I’m trying so hard to get his drained for all he has for what happened. And the little jokes he made about my dog wanting it and how he can’t help if his dog wants some they roam where they please. He will regret all of that when I’m done.
@sarahavian Well our local dog park is actually amazing, a local trainer takes their dog there and will actually help train dogs for hours while they are there I’ve stayed there for up to 4 hours with them. I love our dog park and my dog does too. It even has an obstacle course, disposable biodegradable water bowls and poop bags, as well as seating areas under the trees there so people can sit and watch and interact with their dogs as they play, and I’ve never once had problem there since going there (also it’s mandatory to show proof of vaccination before you’re able to enter it’s also free!) this was on my own property. That’s incredibly large and she doesn’t free roam she was on a lead when this happened. My neighbor intentionally brung his intact dog as well as his in heat female dog on my property. Close to my house to where my dog was. I was at work but my fiancé put her out to and went to the bathroom with intentions to go outside with her after he was done. Never once had a problem. Until that day. As the days go by we learn more and more about the situation.
@old_orthodoxyusa I'm so sorry this happened to your family, hopefully your girl can get the psychological care she will need to relearn her loving behaviors. Your lucky to have a good experience at dog parks. We have witnessed many many dangerous situations and one fueled by an idiot agressive owner who was ready to fist fight and chest bump an owner of the dog that his dog was mounting His comment was basically "thats what dogs do". H was upset because the other owner used his foot to push off the other dog because the other owner was not doing anything. We immediately left with our dog who was not involved because the environment was so toxic. We have read postings at at least 3 dog parks of the people whose dogs were killed by other dogs. We know people whose dogs were attacked or killed at dog parks. We are in the greater puget sound area and have visited many parks but are very careful and leave immediately when we witness an irresponsible owner who doesnt control bad behaviors or if there are too many dogs.
@sarahavian The ethical breeders and basic dog training programs helped fund it as well as pay security to patrol there! Any funny business or irresponsible behavior from dog or parent has been dealt with immediately and they aren’t allowed back until they have a certificate from a vet and training program for a second chance ticket. They have a separate area for dogs 35 lbs and under and one for larger dogs to prevent any dog fights as well as trained personnel! The people who funded it as well as community donations before had a problem like you did as well as the city not providing a safe area for dogs especially with it being such an apartment based town. So the programs and community funded and built a safe place for friendly dogs as well as educated owners! All dogs over 1 year must be fixed before entering and with smaller dogs it’s 6 months! I’d NEVER trust any other dog park other than this one. I’m very very very lucky to have such a safe place to safely and properly social train my baby! It also helps that it’s not a 24/7 dog park, it has an opening time where they unlock the gates and a close time where the lock up the gates! And the trainer as well as security live on the property! You can see their house from the fenced in free roam area! So if anything happened their house is only a few feet away!
I should also brag that they have a separate long walk area where leashed reactive dogs can go that’s a few miles away from the free roam dog park, it’s quiet and secluded (patrolled as well) so reactive dogs can also get exercise while doing it safely they are just required to be leashed and muzzled at all times! :) as well as they must use harnesses just for extra control. It’s so long that multiple people can walk at one time without coming in contact. :)
@old_orthodoxyusa Wow, that's amazing that its patrolled and sounds wonderful because, ya, bad owners wreck it for everyone. None of the parks i have ever visited have "life guards" . Its all self monitored. And good luck when an entitled owner with an agressive untrained dog shows up. You are lucky.
@sarahavian I’m very lucky, I just wish other people had the same option. I always feel bad. But it is a good 45 minute drive away so I only get to take her once a week. But being so far out especially living in the country next to hunters and back heard breeders. I deal with irresponsible owners and untrained dogs here that I don’t deal with there. Hence my situation. Unfortunately the dog came again (my dog no longer goes anywhere unsupervised even for a second) so I saw the dog coming immediately so I quickly got my dog on the porch and the male dog that hurt her ran as fast as he could I had just enough time to get her inside grab my gun (the dog has bit my brother before who was checking my property for coyotes and bears as I want my dog safe) so I know it’s agressive. It came on my porch as I’m throwing things at it yelling trying everything to get it to go away as it rips the wood off my door to get inside. Turns to try to get me. And I had no choice. It klls me to do what I did to a dog that wouldn’t be like that if it had a proper owner. But I tried everything I could before I had to do it. When I called the owner to break the bad news. He said “I told you he roams where he pleases it’s not my fault he wants your bitch. So you kll it for going on instinct?” It’s been a wild few weeks. But hopefully I’ll win this court case and since I out up cameras since then. I don’t think he will win. It hurts me you have to deal with people like that. I hope in the future the dog world will improve and owners will get better. But for right now I hope you and your babies stay safe. We are all doing what we can.
@old_orthodoxyusa Forgive me if I'm wrong but don't dogs also mount other dogs to assert dominance and territorial behavior? My past dog would hump any...male, female didn't matter. Surely they should be able to reason that dogs don't mount other dogs only if they are in heat and of opposite genders. Best of luck to you and I pray your baby recovers well
@old_orthodoxyusa One explanation for the male dogs behaviour would be if there was another female dog in heat on the nearby vicinity. It's common for intact males to hump females that aren't in heat if they can smell another female elsewhere in the distance.

Also some intact males just do this behaviour. We used to have a male who would hump and try to breed any female whether she was in heat or not. He had to he separated always.

Its your neighbours fault for having a loose dog roaming. But with that said I'd probably spay your bitch when she's old enough as there's no saying it won't happen again and you don't want that. And when she does come in heat she will attract every male for miles around.

Good luck with it
@gideondavid40 We were doing fine for months but the neighbors recently started letting his dogs free roam without telling any of the other neighbors because he saw it on tv. We were gonna wait until she was a year old because she hadn’t hit her first heat yet and let her fully develop but the idiot ruined it. The trial changed a little because unfortunately I had to shoot his dog this morning. We watch her while outside now saw the dog coming took her inside. Tried to scare it off and it attacked me so unfortunately I had to put his dog down. But he said he’s got 13 female breeders in heat so that makes soit of sense with what you said. Since my dogs test came back that she wasn’t in heat. Him having 13 in heat at the same time I’m sure the dog went on a behavior rampage.

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