
My puppy who isn’t even 8 months or in cycle was outside on my large property. A neighbors dog was on the property and forced my dog who’s not in heat or even old enough to try and breed and severely hurt her. I’ve been trying to do research but it all leads to my dog being in heat. When she’s not. After the incident I took her to the vet and had two vets check her to be sure. She hasn’t had her first period let alone is old enough per her breed to be producing hormones like that. They don’t understand why the male dog mounted her without the smell of the hormones they make when ready to breed. So to take legal action I need information on why the dog would try to breed my dog when she was very much not ready nor giving him any reason to. Does anyone have any advice on why the older male dog tried to breed with her without any reason to? I’m sorry if not allowed but I’ve called everywhere and looked up on google and I have found nothing in why the male dog would do that without her producing those hormones or being ready. Her vets said he shouldn’t have even had any interest in her in that way. The reason I don’t have her fixed is because she’s a larger breed and I want her to be fully developed before doing anything that could affect her growth. There are no signs of even delayed heat. They said there is no reason at all for the dog to have done what it did.
@old_orthodoxyusa I don't understand why you need to explain the actions of the other dog to take legal action. Your dog which was on your property was injured by another dog who was not in the control of it's owner. Per your vet your pup was not in heat. You have no blame. Your dog which was on your property was injured.
@fish14 That’s what I said but they want to bring in lawyers and fight it saying I’m responsible since I didn’t have my dog fixed. And yes I am responsible a little because my dog was not fixed but I’m not fixing my dog early risking growing complications due to her larger breed. It’s healthier for her to wait and I said that to counter act what he said. But my lawyers said it’s best to bring as much info as possible. Vet said it could have done due to back yard breeding and being bred repeatedly day in and day out which they do. So these dogs are trained when presented a female to breed the female. Which is the only thing me and my lawyers think could possibly be why it did that. So i just need the information to prove it to keep me not liable for the vet expense for possible extermination of puppies. My lawyer ya said he could be held responsible for the other injuries but not through out the termination of the possible puppies and any treatment after due to my state. So I’m trying to gather info on why the male dog would attack and breed my non breedable puppy. So he will be held responsible for back yard breeding or what caused his dog to do it if that makes sense? It’s a lot I’m still all shook up over what happened. My poor baby wint even go outside now.
@old_orthodoxyusa If your dog is not in heat and has never been in heat, there is no risk of puppies - she's not fertile yet. It sounds like that's what you're concerned about holding them accountable for?
@maybeitsme Kinda, but the judge (we talked to try not to take it to full trial) said that my dog HAS to be in heat for his dog to want to mate. And is wanting to hold me accountable and his side is using that to try to make it my fault for the long term affects of my puppy. Judge said he will have to re-emberse me for the cuts on her legs, back, her broken tooth, her ears, and the lash on her neck. But says he’s not accountable for her vaginal ripage, the stitches she had to get down there, she’s not able to keep at the moment so she has to take meds and has to be relieved while under sedation if a pill. They said he’s not responsible for any of that because my dog was in heat or is going to be in heat even tho I have paper work stating she was not. They don’t see any other reason why his dog would do that other than my dog being in heat. So I’m seeing why his dog would do that to fight him on the extraordinary cost of just the vaginal treatments.
@old_orthodoxyusa Take it to court. The mediator is wrong. Your dog has injuries. The other owner is responsible. If a pregnancy results then your vet was incorrect but your dog was still on your property and the other dog was not controlled and damaged your dog. You deserve to be made whole which includes all of your dogs medical treatment. Sadly it still won't help with the suffering and trauma she has but she is legally property and legally you are entitled to relief because your property was damaged.

Honestly your attorney seems to be making this a lot more complicated for something that probably fits into small claims in most places.
@fish14 I live in a very small dumb town. In the country. In the Bible Belt. So they do a lot of things the harder dumber way here. And irresponsible breeders and owners are a large portion of people here. Unfortunately the person whose dog attacked mine is one of his back yard breeder dogs. Me and other neighbors have reported him for it but they’ve done nothing. The beagle that attacked my puppy was one of his main breeders for years. My poor puppy is a literal wreck. And she was an angel and my baby and sweetest dog to other dogs and cats and people. Now she’s afraid of other dogs. My cats. Of use touching her lower back or back legs. It’s devastating. He’s 100 % responsible but the person who owns the dog and the judge went to school together and are friends so. It’s been more difficult than it should be honestly.
@old_orthodoxyusa I grew up in a small town in the Bible belt. I get how annoying this could be and how people with power are willing to look a blind eye just because they're friends. You may be able to argue that the judge is too close to this guy to judge fairly. May be your best bet. I wish you the best of luck with this. It never should have happened.
@lumiere Thank you, I’m gonna try but access to different judges is difficult in my area but it’s still an offer I’d like to try. I have couple judges in mind. Won’t know either of us so it’ll be semi fair but still thinks the same as the current judge. But I’ll have better odds at least. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
@old_orthodoxyusa From your post, and the vet records, it doesn’t sound like your dog wanted to mate. It sounds like an out of control intact roaming male to try to breed

Is it possible for you to submit the vet records of the testing proving she wasn’t in heat, and have your vet make a written testimony (if they can’t be there) that your dog was NOT in heat and that there was 0 reason for her to be mounted?
@old_orthodoxyusa Eugh, what a gross mindset. Are there any other sitting judges in the county? I believe you may be able to request an audience with them and see if they’ll review your case instead
@bailey2017 I would but it wouldn’t change much. I’m in a men dominated area, redneck south mindset, Bible Belt, and a very small town. As well as small towns being around my ear for the next 3 to 4 hour area. No major cities for 3 to 4 hours. And from news reports and being on jury duty a few times… trust me they don’t think any different than the current judge does. So I’m gathering this evidence and information so he will have to pay for absolutely everything and my accountability on my part will be getting her fixed earlier than she was supposed to be fixed. Unfortunately. (Not due to breeding reasons but health reasons) even though she was on my property. Which is huge. Not bragging just want to make it clear how far this dog had to travel onto my property to even reach my house.
@bailey2017 Thank you so much. I do too. I’ll go to whatever lengths I need to. The police gave them a written and verbal warning that if any of their dogs end up on my property again I’ll have no choice but to shoot it. The police are tired of being called out and the owners words when I told him what happened were “I can’t help my dog wanted to get some, and they roam where they please” I don’t wanna do it. But to protect her I will. Whatever is necessary even if it breaks me.
@old_orthodoxyusa The judge and the mediator are 100% wrong. Get a repro vet to talk for your side.

Injuries are injuries. A strange dog was loose on YOUR property and injured the dog that lived there.Why does it matter how those injuries were sustained?
@xtianjax The judge and the mediator are friends. So I’m trying to get a couple younger judges I found to come instead. And my puppy’s vet is 100% on our dude and she will help with whatever necessary. My dog has an A+ support system so I’m hoping with what I’ve learned from the Reddit and everything I have I’ll smash him to the ground.
@old_orthodoxyusa Did your vet confirm your dog was not in season by doing a progesterone test? Dogs can have a silent heat where they do not bleed. Another reason a male could want to mount her would be the presence of a uti or vaginitis. I would try to rule out any medical conditions that would cause the male to be interested in your female and go from there.

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