Help with herbal medicine I was gifted


New member
I have an ~ 14-year-old pug who is being treated for senility (we know he has some sort a brain lesion but I’m not doing a MRI to formally diagnose it). He is currently taking 10mg Selegiline once daily, one capsule Senilife, 1.5mg of Melatonin three times daily, and one large/giant Omega-Cap ES to help manage/slow the progression of the lesion. I was given two bottles of Chinese herbal medicine but can’t find enough information online to make me comfortable with giving them. They are Jing Tang brand and I have Stasis in Mansion of Mind ( and Compound Dan Shen (

Is anyone familiar with this company? Are they trustworthy? I know nothing about herbal medicine and don’t want to cause him harm.
@cosmostar There's really no such thing as trustworthy herbal medicine. You have no guarantee that what's on the label is what's actually in the bottle.

Here's a study where they found that 51% of the herbal supplements they tested contained chemicals that weren't listed on the label, many of them causing liver damage.

And here's a New York Times article on the issue.

Even if they do contain only the products on the label (which isn't a gamble I'd be willing to take with my own pets), there's no reason to think that these supplements will actually help. Otherwise, they'd be part of what your vet was prescribing.

And if you're still on the fence about it, call up your vet and ask! They are there to answer questions about your pet's health and will be able to help you make a good decision for your pet.
@cosmostar Almost all doctors and vets don't deal with herbal medicine. Even if they do deal with supplements, they are the ones that are proven with legit scientific data. If no one knows about it, it is almost a guarantee that it hasn't been researched. Not all herbal medicine is bad since a lot of the active ingredients in western drugs are based on plants. However, it's the quality control and dosage that matters, both of which we can't be certain with in herbal medications. What the bottle says and what's in it can be totally different. I suggest you toss it out. Too much supplements can also harm the kidneys and liver. And knowing how much is too much is another question in itself.
@cosmostar Throw it out. Herbal medicine is untrustworthy and herbal medicine from China ten times so. Their quality control is awful to start with - and even if by some crazy mirae the stuff you were given was the most reputable Chinese herbal remedy ever by a fantastic company, some knockoff dude in his basement scraping powdered plastic into gelcaps and slapping the same label on the package so he can ride the company's name reputation for a quick buck is just as likely a source by the time it gets to the US.