Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

@rickytheevangelist She looks a bit matted on the chest in the before photo, her beard could have also had matting in it. As for her face, it just looks short, but she does look cute! Next time you could ask for a longer square face (or round, depending on what you're looking for). Bring a photo of the same breed with similar hair and they should be able to do that!
@rickytheevangelist Looks like the groomer really took their time and love to make her look so pretty. Sorry that’s not what you wanted… Like everyone else has said, bring pictures. She does look very adorable.
@caliban You’re right they did take their time and have had solid reviews. I just didn’t recognize my shaggy girl afterwards and it was a bit of shock. She does look like a lady now instead of my tomboy lol
@rickytheevangelist Always bring photos. Communication of what you want is key; grooming has specialized terminology (like 'puppy clip') that no one agrees on the meaning. That said, are you certain she was tangle-and mat-free? That's on you. If her hair is tangle-free, you have more options. That said, carefully consider her discomfort having wet and possibly dirty hair in and around her mouth all the time. Long hair around their mouth requires special care, and is how they are groomed for show.
@rickytheevangelist The "bring reference photo" advice is great. Just make sure that the reference photo looks like her (hair type, structure, etc). We've had plenty of people bring in a photo that looks nothing like their dog and that just leads to more disappointment when we can't replicate the groom in the photo. Also make sure she is brushed and combed out completely. Have the groomer handle her and check her coat to make sure they can accomplish what look you want. She might've had matting in her beard or cheeks that made it impossible to keep it long and that should be communicated to you as well.
@rickytheevangelist It's just hair, it grows back!!! It will always grow back on a Havanese!! This is a well executed groom and your pup is safe and happy so why be sad? Keep her combed like usual and bring photos next time. People are humans and make mistakes and have communication errors. And again it's just hair! Your pup is sooooooo cute!
@mmbeyer01 Not if its her fault for not communicating what she wanted correctly? Groomers aren’t mind readers, unless you can show/describe exactly what you want, most of the time we have to fill in gaps or make split second decisions on the grooming table. Dog looked matted on the chest in first photo. Having a short body and a long face doesn’t look great, sometimes the best option is to even it all out and start over, even if the owner doesn’t know that. Spot shaving, depending on size of matt, can also throw off a groom. However, typically I’d explain this to the owner. Most are understanding.

We as groomers try our best to figure out what owners want. Sometimes we get it, sometimes we don’t. Hair grows back, best to go back to the same groomer, explain what didn’t work, and try again. The groom looks fine. She can not be pleased with the cut, but really there’s no reason to be upset. It will grow back pretty quickly.

But hormones can really elevate certain situations lol, I think we’re genuinely trying to make her feel better by letting her know the dog looks good and she can achieve what she wants in the future.
@rickytheevangelist It looks good. They didn't shave her or cut her. It's just hair. It'll grow back real quick. Just tell them you want an outline trim next time and tell them to keep the beard.

And don't make a huge reaction when you don't like the haircut. Your dog feeds off of your emotions so when you pick her up and your upset, she's gonna associate grooming with you being upset. So don't do that. It's just hair.
@godswill4me Great point about the reaction, I tried to keep the reaction to myself and left lots of treats in her car seat in the back to sniff out as a treat so she had a positive association with the experience :)
@rickytheevangelist oh boy my time to shine.

First off -NOT- a groomer, but a havanese owner who has spent the last year trying to figure out what type of cut works for our guy that still feels havanese-ish but is something that I can keep up with maintenance brushing in between the groom sessions.

One, find a picture of a cut you aspire to and talk it over with your groomer, take a deep breath because its a journey they may not get it right the first time the key is communication and its only hair.

Two when you pick up your Havie and its not just right, live with it and make a quick note of how it grows, what works for you and what doesn't and then talk about it at the next groom. I have always found it easier to show my groomer what I DO like than tell them what I don't as soon as I get them. As an example I know that our guy is the perfect length about a week after his groom, so its easy to take a picture to show them next time.

Three is trust your groomer, how short he comes back to me like getting a test grade because I am learning where his mats hide and how to maintain them. Also ask them for help for how to maintain it in between, like what tools or products can help you. Havies, like poodles have hair and requires dedicated grooming and a solid schedule to prevent them from getting pelted.

And lastly, our guy has ended up being much shorter than I aesthetically prefer but he is cute as hell and its at a length I have time to keep up with. I also have an excellent groomer and have developed a solid relationship with them and feel comfortable asking to try new things and they are just as comfortable letting me know if its going to be more work on my end or is just plain stupid and I love them for it.
@rickytheevangelist Next time say you want it just tipped all over, or 1/4 of an inch off. The Groomer should be asking you exactly what you want, not just doing what they want. Explain that you are growing the coat out. Just make sure you keep your dog combed out so there will be no excuses on matting. Sounds like there was a communication error, call and speak to the Groomer on how it can be avoided next time, speak directly to the Groomer that groomed your dog. Make sure you talk directly to the Groomer grooming your dog at drop off. You're building a relationship, a relationship needs communication. If you tell anyone other than the Groomer it's like playing telephone. She/he did a good job, it's just not what you wanted.
@rickytheevangelist Honestly- I have a morkie(s) - who looks very similar to your havanese when hair is long! I also struggle to find a groomer who doesn’t just shave him down… it’s frustrating but I am to blame as I do not tell them how I want him, but I just assume… lesson learned!!! They have beautiful coats - probably best to bring a photo and see if that is something they can do! Atleast she will be cool for the summer for a bit!
@rickytheevangelist Next time ask for a bath & brush only and tell the NO TRIMMING except for feet & sanitary.
Specify to leave they eyes 100% alone!!!
I am really sorry they did this to your precious pup.
@rickytheevangelist She definitely looks matted on the chest and if she wasn’t good for grooming it’s not worth “brushing it out”. Make sure you are using the correct tools to brush her and checking your work with a grey hound comb. Communicating with your groomer is your biggest help. They can help you achieve the longer coat if that’s what you’re looking for.