Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

I just picked up our little one from a new groomer and honestly I cried in the car. It seems like they did a neat and tidy job but its just a waste the way they cut off all her hair and everything that makes her a Havanese. I asked for a light trim keeping as much of the length on and try to put on a bow if you can. And here she is. How can I avoid this kind of style again? How do I check or ask the right questions next time? I miss her beard :(

ETA: Yea, I cried… but I also just had a baby so I’m going to blame hormones lol

ETAA: The salon and groomer were extremely kind and I did not complain to them but I do want to learn what to ask for next time to avoid disappointment

ETAA: Thanks for all the suggestions and recommendations. A couple of things to add:

1)I did call ahead asking if they had experience with Havanese and if they understood how to work their double coat etc.

2)We do a quick comb of our girl everyday with a detangling spray and do a full brush through of all the areas about once a week but we’ve had to learn to watch out for spots near her harness etc bc we’ll catch the mat when its hard to comb out

3)I asked the groomer about a de-matting fee and asked them to check to see if they thought she was in need of it before the appointment. He took a look and felt around and said that overall she felt pretty good minus a bit of matting behind her ears and armpits.

4) Only when I picked her up and commented on how short everything was did he take out a sample of clipper lengths and w fur samples and showed me they used a 5/8”? And on the scale of that sample it was really too short and I wished they had shown or asked me about it BEFORE.

5)I assumed I was speaking directly to the groomer but when I picked her up he was the owner and someone else in the back was doing the cuts so I don’t know what they communicated to the woman doing the actual grooming.

**We are trying to take care of our girls hair and chose Havanese knowing it would require time and commitment so any tips/product recommendations to keep her hair healthy and tangle free at a longer length are welcome!!*
@rickytheevangelist She looks cute! Sorry that it wasn't what you wanted. Her fur will grow back quickly.

Learning how to communicate with your groomer is important. Photo references are your biggest ally! Find a picture of a recently groomed Havanese that you like and show your groomer. Be sure to mention that you want her to keep her beard long. I hope it goes better next time.
@oregongirl1 Adding to this, make sure to get a good full on face picture AND body shot from the side so the groomer knows exactly what you want as far as length, style, etc.

She actually looks really cute in the after pic, but it is a big change and it can definitely be upsetting. It'll grow back very fast.

And thank you for not immediately trashing the groomer and salon for a trim that wasn't exactly what you wanted.
@ayen Honestly, from experience I'd say that very few pet owners want a breed standard cut/show cut on their dog, no matter the breed. Communication between groomer and client is the most important part. If you work at a higher end salon or do show grooming then your expectations and experiences are probably different.
@ayen This is such a toxic sub. I joined it looking for tips for home grooming and to see other people's grooms. I line brush my Havanese and comb down to the skin, at least daily but depending on his activities sometimes twice daily. We are working on cooperative care. I bath him regularly at home, and he goes to a professional groomer every 4 weeks. Havanese have a double coat and are a high maintenance breed. Not all dog owners are ignorant in grooming, but god forbid you suggest keeping a dog in full coat on this sub, even thinking about it will get you down voted to heck. Probably best looking for grooming tips/cooperative care tips on breed specific subs or dog training subs where people are kinder and have more of an open mind.
@gwsany I 100% agree with keeping a dog in full coat. I talked many of my grooming clients to do this and when other clients saw how great they looked they grew their dogs out also.
Whats the point of having a beautiful Maltese or Havanese if you are going to chop all the hair off.
@carl78 Not always. Offer a discount to give them a standing appointment of monthly or every other week. You get enough people to do this and you have just made your job a ton easier.
@ayen Nobody wants to bring their dog in biweekly. They struggle getting them in on an eight week schedule as it is. And I’m not handing out discounts, long coats are a lot of work lol
@ayen For a bath and tidy in between grooms, it's not nearly as much. However, groomers are not exempt from inflation and we're trying to keep our heads above water just as much as the next guy. When I get a discount for going to the grocery store bi-weekly vs. once a week, and when I get a discount at the gas station for filling up my car 6 times a month vs. 3-4, then I'll consider it.
@ayen I agree, but so are keeping prices fair and keeping dogs trimmed to what suits the owner, as well as proper handling. My customers are happy so that's what counts.
@rickytheevangelist I would tell them specifically that you do NOT want a teddy bear head. ask them to trim up around the eyes but leave the beard and ears long. reference photos are also always helpful. sorry you had a bad experience but it will grow back!