Help training a beagle/lab mix

My fiancé "F" and I adopted a then 11 week old beagle/lab mix whom we named "N". F and I already have a 6 year old golden retriever, "L", whom I purchased from a breeder and subsequently raised to the age of three before F moved in. I assumed, having been through puppyhood with L, that I was well equipped. I was wrong. The puppy, N, despite finally acclimating to house training, cannot abide being alone. I'm concerned because right now F and I are in school, so we have flexible schedules, but in the next year we will both graduate and move to more traditional 9-5 schedules. How do I acclimate her to only being with L during the day? Ideally I'd love to put her in doggy day care, but we can't afford it. Would a walker be enough? any suggestions are welcome.
@everlastingman23 I think a crate may work for you. If you haven't trained on "kennel" yet I highly suggest it for separation anxiety. It's pretty easy with patience and your puppy will feel safe and want to be in his kennel if done correctly.

A good starting point is treat rewards tossed into the crate or kennel while giving the "kennel" command.

Once N starts going in to get the treats close the door behind him and make him sit there for a second or until he relaxes, stops scratching and whining to get out. The second he relaxes let him out, and repeat.

You should also feed N in the crate/kennel. If you have started the sit command have the dog "kennel" the give the food. It is also a good idea to make the dog wait a moment before eating by teaching the "Leave it" command at the same time.

This is a positive way to overcome separation issues.

Don't leave the dog kenneled for more than a 4-6 hours at a time, and never use the kennel as a punishment.


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