HELP! Dog has open sores that won’t heal and have spread over entire body


New member
About a year ago my 7 year old pup developed one small sore on his back. It was open and bleeding and would scab over but never would heal. He would scratch at it sometimes but was in a spot he couldn’t reach so I attributed his hair growth through the scab to be the reason it wouldn’t heal.
Fast forward one year and about 6 veterinary visits later, we have tried steroids(prednisone), apoquel, Benadryl, topical anti bacterial meds and shampoos. The only thing that seemed to help after they began to spread was the steroids, but (both times) after stopping, the sores exploded in number and spread and became so much worse.

Now he probably has hundreds of small scabs and clusters of raw open sores from the top of his head, ears, chest, and back down to the base of his tail. He is constantly bleeding all over and leaving scabs behind even if he is not itching or licking (which has been decreased by apoquel. I hate not being able to give him the love and pets he deserves and I know he is miserable. The vets believe it is an allergy to something but we can’t narrow down the source. Any experience with this type of condition is appreciated.
@gods_kid33 Did the vet do food allergy tests? Our rescue had an allergic reaction to his food which resulted in sores and patches of fur falling out so we switched him to grain free and a better brand (he was on Science Diet previously) and he was OK after that. It took him a while to get everything out his system though, so it isn't an overnight recovery once you switch initially. Sounds like you have tried nearly everything already but hope that helps and you get it sorted soon!
@gods_kid33 Try a switching single to a high protein food & add some dehydrated food or frozen meat toppings. Some dogs have allergies that do eact to food or environment.

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