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My boyfriend has a 5y/o husky. He’s moving to a new apartment soon, and they’ll be alone together. I’ll be living an hour away until the fall and wont be able to reliably visit. My boyfriend works a 9-5 thats 30ish minutes away from his new place, and I’m very concerned about his husky’s wellbeing. He got her a bunch of puzzle toys to stimulate her and takes her on long hikes multiple times a week, but I just know it won’t be enough and that she’s going to be miserable.

Putting the dog up for adoption is not an option. He’s had her since she was a puppy and they’ve been through too much together.

I can’t get through to him. I tried to get him to look into doggy day care: no dice, it’s too expensive. We can’t think of other options and I’m really worried for the dog.

Does anyone have any advice on what to do about the situation? Any wisdom would help. We really need to figure this out before he moves in a month. This is kind of one of my last ditch efforts.

Edit : I’m open to suggestions on where to find cheaper options for day care. I just don’t know how.
@plsletmevanish A friend of mine is a nurse, so shes away between 8-10 hours. She also owns a husky. I've also been in your position thinking about the dogs well being, wondering if she's doing enough. Should mention a friend lives with her, but she doesn't walk the dog as far as I know. List og the time I've visited, he does seem calm and happy. The other times not so much, so I insist on taking him for a walk. Dogs are social beings and I am not a fan of leaving them by themselves for that long. That goes for your bf and my friend.
Walk before and after work for 30 mins or so. What about a dog walker a day or two per week? Leave the radio on?
@smash89 Thank you so much!!! I had not expected to get this level of similar experience, it helps a lot. I’m thinking about gifting him money for a dog walker for now so its a bit less of a burden, and then I’m definitely gonna help walk her once I’m back in the fall(I’ll try and time it halfway between his shift if I can.) A dog walker will definitely be something we look into, thank you!
@plsletmevanish Look into wag or rover maybe? Have a dog walker come a few times a week and take the dog on 30 minute or even hour long walks. In my experience, the walkers on those apps do a great job!
@plsletmevanish A friend of mine would have a dog walker come by four days a week while she was at work, and she’d take her dogs to doggy daycare just one day a week, to change it up.

Your boyfriend could reach out to vets, pet stores, etc. near his new apartment and see if they can recommend any local dog walkers. There are lots of trustworthy people looking for side gigs (like dog walking) right now.
@plsletmevanish I think most people leave their dogs home alone during the workday for 8-10 hours. I play music for my dogs, and give them a treat in a Kong. Often when I get home, they’ll be snoozing on the couch and then we’ll play and go for a walk.