Having difficulties with potty training


New member
I adopted a roughly one year old dog last Thursday. Breed is unknown, she looks like a lab in a dalmatian costume.

If it's quiet, nobody else around but us, she is pretty reliable about doing the job outside. Treats and praise every time when she does.

I've got pads and nature's miracle for when we're not successful outside, and she's fairly decent with at least trying to use the pads (mostly an aim issue, I'm putting more pads down now)

The difficulty arises when there's another dog around. The neighbors on all sides of my property have dogs, and they're almost always outside, even at 3:45 this morning.

I can't tell if she's nervous or wants to play with them, but it's like she focuses on that instead of doing her business. Her tail is usually up and wagging when they're checking each other out, so I don't think she's scared of them.

Since her spay was on Wednesday last week, I have to keep her leashed in the yard because she absolutely will run her butt off out there and she could open the wound. She's already slipped out of the first collar I bought because I didn't have her yet so I got the wrong size (the charts at the pet store are B.S.) We have a harness now, so that's handled.

I'm having a hard time putting into words what I'm asking for. The result I would like to have is for her to poop first, play after.
@rakibul88 Since she’s on leash, walk her to her potty spot. Wait however long it takes for her to go, then take her to go play. Play is the reward for pooping/peeing.
@oceanskk The only thing preventing me from doing that is a more specific idea of what to put up.

The idea that I had was some kind of stakes, nylon rope, and tarps. I have the rope and tarps already. Having never done this before I just don't know if there's some other "keep it simple" idea.

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