Have Y'all ever looked up Formosan Dogs?


New member
So I sent a pic of my ACD to a facebook message group with some buddies. One of them used Google photo something or other and it showed results for Formosan Dogs. Some of them look like German Shepherds, but some of them look JUST LIKE ACD's!

I was just wondering if I was the only dumb dumb that didn't know.

Edit: Link for the lazy!
@baileysgramma I came from Taiwan (aka Formosa) and I’ve seen Formosan Mountain dogs before. They are breed as hunting dogs by Aboriginal Taiwanese people. From what I remember, some of them do look like dingos, since they were brought to the island from Southeast Asia, maybe dingo is their distance relatives?
My own ACD is slim and very active, she weights about 48 lbs.

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