Has anyone tried "muds" prepared for dogs to help with desheding and conditioning? IE, Modra Mor and Posh Pooch


New member
Amazon for Modra Mor: https://www.amazon.com/Essentials-Treatment-Arthritis-Worldwide-Nutrition/dp/B0BJ11L7H8

Website for Posh Pooch: https://poshpooch.org/products/dog-...mins-natural-detoxing-spa-pet-treatment-2-5kg

Even with shipping from the UK to the US, Posh Pooch is much less expensive $ per lb.

These are the only 2 brands I've been able to find and I was curious if anyone uses a product like this and their opinion on something like this.

This video is where I discovered it, I had never seen anything like it until this grooming video (timestamped):

Thank you

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