Has anyone flown with their 20-21lb dog in Cabin? (Air Canada, Toronto to Vancouver)


New member
My dog is almost 2 years old, weights 19-21 pounds and is fairly short in my opinion. That being said, Air Canada's carrier dimensions are 55 L x 40 W x 27 H cm. 27CM seems way too small for him to be able to sit up and turn around. If the bag was open from the top he could sit up but otherwise he would have to lay down if it's closed.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Any tips?
@edprof Flew from Houston to Dayton (4 hr flight) with my terrier- although continental at the time had a 12" (30 cm) height soft crate allowance. I brought a ziplock of bacon crumbles so she'd chew on takeoff and landing so her ears wouldn't pop. Few growls when luggage was getting loaded below her, but otherwise uneventful flight. Dude across the aisle from me asked me on landing if shed been there the whole time. I resisted the urge to tell him it was avmid air delivery. Vet also recommended half a dramamine (check with yours).
All in all, flights were easy. "Worst" part was being mugged by dog lovers for pets.
@edprof I took my 12 lb Chihuahua from California to Toronto on Air Canada. Lying down, she is fine. She can't stand up under the seat. She was a real trooper for the 6 hour flight (and 2 or 2 hours in the airport, where we (against the rules) let her walk around because every other dog was also walking around!)

Standing up, my dog is 15 inches tall to the shoulder, the bag is 12 inches tall, and the seat space is less, but the bag is soft and squishable. Our bag also zips out one side to make the interior space wider.

Before taking her to the airport, we went to the dog park and ran her around to tire her out for the trip. We had prescription trazadone (and some cannibis oil) but didn't use either.

Near the end of the trip she was super anxious and we sat on the tarmac for over an hour!! Luckily in Toronto, the custom's area has a dog relief room, we barely got her there and took her out of the bag when she peed. It's tough for a dog to hold it that long!

She was good for most of the trip. I recommend one of those dog bowl/water bottles. But you don't want too much water (because of the pee thing).

Whining under the seat was dealt with with some treats and putting your hand into the bag to calm her. She needed a blanket too as it can get cold under there.

The best thing is to have a really tired dog. A red eye might be good unless the dog gets a little anxious and other passengers are trying to sleep, however you are in a plane and the engines are loud so what's a bit of yipping?
If the bag was open from the top he could sit up but otherwise he would have to lay down if it's closed.

he has to fit in the bag under the seat in front of you.

I flew a 13 pound Golden puppy that barely fit into a Sherpa bag, and barely fit under the seat in front of me.

I don't see how a 21 pound dog would fit. And again, the bag has to fit under the seat so...
@edprof You might be able to buy them their own ticket. They do sound too big to fit under the seat, but like the carrier could fit ON the seat.
Call the airline and ask.
I used to take my 11 lb dog on the plane to Canada often. Luckily, he fit under the seat.

I would NEVER recommend putting a live animal in the cargo hold, especially during winter or summer temperature extremes. (My dad was an airline pilot. They call the button that depressurizes the cargo hold "the kitty killer.")
@imagebeastmarkbeast Even if the dog had it's own seat, the dog must remain under the seat . It would be a waste of money. Plus the dog must be under the seat in front of YOUR seat. Even if nobody sits next to you, the dog has to be under your feet. And it costs extra to fly the dog as well ($100 or so).

You used to be able to take an "emotional support" animal on board and hold the dog in your lap, but that was ruined by fucking idiots taking peacocks, pigs and a goddamned PONY on board a plane. So airlines said "You guys are pushing it, no more fake emotional support pets...all pets must fit in the carrier and be under the seat in front of you"
@harrisd83 Call the airline and ask.

It used to cost me $250 to put my boy in the cabin.
Check out the Sherpa soft-sided airline-approved under seat carrier. My boy was slightly too big to stand all the way up in it, but he could still turn around and get comfy. If your guy fits, he might get to sits... under the seat in front of you. The soft sides give more wiggle room (literally) for your pup and maybe that's a usable work-around.
In fact, I bet it would work for you. My guy couldn't sit up in it, but he was only in it for the flight and didn't seem to mind as long as he knew were together.
He could stand with his head down and turn around, but it was a little small "officially."

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