Hand stripping for dummies


New member
Hello there!

Not a groomer, just a happy owner of a 1yo mini schnauzer. Our groomer is currently rolling his coat, and he constantly looks like a puppy with a long curly hair on his back. I’m wondering if we can combine clipping and rolling because I just love that “proper” schnauzer look. As in she would be clipping him every month, and I at home would be rolling his coat periodically. My two questions are:
  1. Is it possible and safe for the coat?
  2. If it is, are there any online resources for me to learn to do it on my own? I know hand stripping is difficult, and not every groomer will even take it on, ours just has her own show schnauzers, so she herself suggested stripping him to get to that wire coat.
I’d also like to know that because if I move, I don’t think I’d be able to find another groomer to do it.

I’d ask her, but shes always so busy, so I don’t want to keep her from work during drop off and pick up. Also, I’m scared of her 😅

P.S. this sub keeps popping up in my home feed, and I must say, you guys do gods work, and I’ve learnt a good amount from y’all by just lurking around from time to time ♥️
@ashere Rolling a coat is super easy for home maintenance. And just be patient. He hasn't been stripped down to his skivvies yet. Your groomer will guide you. Trust her but also be learning. Also is your dog from SHOW LINES? If not. It's still the right thing to do on a puppy. If he's leaning more towards soft coat, she can encourage coarseness. But she can't change his genes. It's really fabulous that you're not shaving that ridiculous skirt pattern. Kudos for trying to do the right thing. I'm a poodle owner but my next dog will be a wire coated dog
@dukeofwa Thank you for your thoughtful response!

I think that’s what we’re doing right now, she suggested to grow him out for half a year to then strip his back naked like a lil mole rat. He’s not from show lines, but since I knew the groomer before I had the dog, she gave me options and explained the whole clipping vs stripping thing. I guess I’m just getting impatient with him always looking like a scruffy goofball 😅
@ashere There is a great handstripping Facebook group you can join! They help owners learn how to maintain their own dogs all the time. They can also help you determine the best routine for either a true breed standard or a "strip and clip".
@ashere I have a burner account with a fake name that I only use to join pet groups, lol. I suggest doing the same, there's a lot of good info on there.
@ashere You can just strip the head and back while clipping the rest if you'd like. I actually have somebody wanting me to do that with their schnauzer in a couple months.

I know you said you're not on Facebook but I can't recommend the hand stripping education group on there enough.
@ashere Any clipping or cutting ruins the entire purpose of handstripping. What you are referring to in the post is referred to as a "strip and clip," which is a pet trim that will affect the coat texture and skin over time. The idea is that it may retain some color and harshness while doing a pet trim, but it's not guaranteed to have any positive effects. Carding the coat can make a clipped jacket look nicer in terms of buffing out clipper lines and removing some undercoat, but you won't get all the good effects of fully handstripping. Your dogs jacket shouldn't be crazy grown out if you're getting the coat rolled regularly, though. How often are you going between appointments? Is she doing everything in one appointment, or is she doing it in different stages over multiple appointments?
I just read she's wanting you to wait until the coat is blown before balding. I'd just have a discussion about going a different route. You aren't rolling the coat if it's blown like that, so I'm not sure what she's doing during this time. Rolling a coat means you are maintaining a stripped coat. I'd just tell her you want to start working on the jacket and would like to maintain it going forward. You may have to come in several times a week or once a week for maintenance. It depends on how she approaches this and recommends. If you're willing, express your willingness to come often to maintain this. Having a groomer who offers this is huge, and I think you should do it. It's better for their skin and coat health. Dogs skin depend on their coat for certain functions, so coat health directly impacts skin health and function. This is a process, but it's worth it. A rolled coat will look very nice and tidy once you get to that point.