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Me and my boyfriend recently got his dog back, it’s going well but her hair is literally everywhere. I don’t mind that much, she’s a dog she’s going to shed, but I for the life of me can’t get it off the comforter. Would it be Cruel for me to ask him if he can make her sleep on the floor on a doggy bed or in the living room in a comfortable spot? The dog hair is messing with my allergies super super bad. I love her to death but I can’t handle it. Any advice on how to keep her off the bed? She’s allowed everywhere in the apartment, even on the couch. Thank you 😩
@sirath I don’t think it’s rude for the dog to sleep in its own bed, we did put our dog bed on a platform so it was a similar right to ours, however keep in mind seasonal shedding, it’s spring, your dog is likely losing it’s winter fur. I don’t even pet my cats at this time, I just comb them with a fine tooth comb. My friend keeps brushing her German Shepherd out and is drowning in winter coat right now! Maybe get your baby groomed? Hope this helps
@imagebeastmarkbeast I feel that. Our husky mix literally clogged our vacuum with all of his fur because of shedding his winter coat... it's crazy. You pet him and the fur just comes right into your hand, even after lots of brushing.
@sirath I don't think it's unreasonable. If y'all want alternatives, deshedding shampoos/conditioners combined with a force dryer during regular baths will cut down on shedding quite a bit.
@sirath A doggy bed would be great! Not cruel at all. This is a good opportunity to set boundaries. You can teach her the “place” command, or tell her to “get in your bed.” If she gets on your bed and you don’t want her to, train using the “off” command, then you can direct her back to her place. Here’s a Victoria Stillwell video about the “off” command (she also talks about a de-shedder for their comforter at the end). Over time, it’ll become more habitual. She might even prefer her own bed later on. You might try using a shed comb (do it outside if you can!) to mitigate the shedding. You can lay down a protective sheet over the comforter. Just some ideas...You have to have a sanctuary for your own sanity. Your sleep and health are important! I hope your boyfriend understands. We are all creatures of habit and if he’s used to letting the dog sleep with him it’ll be a change of routine. We used to let our cat and dog sleep in bed with us but we had to change our ways because our cat caterwauls in the wee hours and both shed like crazy. My husband’s body would get all red and itchy and he’d scratch so much that it was hard to ignore it. It took awhile to change our routine but now we get a little more sleep which has made a positive difference in our lives.
@sirath I have allergies and I feel you. Many dogs aren’t allowed on any furniture at all. If it’s causing you problems then the dog should be on his own bed, he’ll be just fine! Ours actually prefers her bed. Keep her off the bed by reinforcing the no every time she jumps on and reward sleeping in her bed. Good luck!
@sirath There are these grooming gloves I use for my pets and they work wonders just hit me back and I’ll let u know where I got em from