
@jinsun I brush my cattle dog once a week with this “undercoat brush” thingy that I got at pet smart. It has really helped with the hair. When I had my one dog, I was vacuuming once a week, adding the cattle dog, I now need to vacuum every 2-3 days. It could just be the 2 dog affect but not the cattle dog seems to be a hairy experience. Mine would not tolerate groomer as she has to be drugged for the vet. She gets a bath whenever I put her in to boarding as they give a free bath with a long stay.
@jinsun Mine gets her hair brushed regularly but only gets a bath every 3 months or so. She doesn’t get stinky and I think it’s good for their coat to not be bathed often? That’s what I’ve read anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I wish I was better about brushing her teeth but I hate it more than she does. Our vet clips her nails for us.
@flightlessbird Our vet and dermatologist recommended we bath him twice a week with medicated wash due to severe allergies, We also trim his nail ourself and brush his teeth twice a day :), The grass and mud and rain make his allergies worse. Him and our French bully make our wallet empty haha 😆 they have their own bedroom with hypoallergenic beds and air purifiers and we vacuum the whole house 2x a day and dust once a day to keep their allergies at bay. I honestly think it’s the humid here where we are because last year we were in a non humid state and he didn’t have such as bad allergies..
@jinsun I dont know how you feel about hollistic treatment, but our dog has allergies aswell, we tried everything the dermatologist said and no improvements. Finally we took her to a place that offers hollistic treatment. We did not think much of this when we went there, but in the spirit of trying anything to help her we went anyways. First thing they said that baths are just to fight the symptoms, not help her cause the problem comes from within. After a short while of trial and error with giving her herbs they recommended she got a bit better. After that they made us a spray to use on her and shes doing a whole lot better now then with the baths and meds. Im the first to admit that it sounds like crap, i would have agreed with that before. But seeing the change it made for my dog, might wanna give that road a try.
@goldie81 I am not against it at all! I will take a look around money isn’t an issue and if I didn’t have to bathe two dogs twice a week I would be in heaven lol 😆
@jinsun Never.

Mine hates nail trims and we are trying to train into that. We have to do a scratch board.

Bathing is done only when he smells or got legit dirty like rolling in something.

We use a shampoo that’s made for dogs sensitive skin/allergies so the few times he needed multiple baths in a week it never bothered him. Haven’t had to bath that often though since he was a pup!
@jinsun I was doing four months but might start doing every three. He’s had bouts of itchiness (probably allergy related, we’re on the food trial now), and I’m hoping getting cleaned more regularly will wash off some irritants and allergens. It’s expensive though so probably wouldn’t do more than 3 months. His next one is Wednesday. They don’t cut hair but do the bath, brush, ear and teeth cleaning, and nail trimming. He always looks amazing after. Hoping he feels better too.
@jinsun I deshed/brush mine daily and dry shampoo once every few days, with an actual bath once she starts to get stinky — maybe once every few months or so.
@jinsun Live in California and take ours hiking weekly. She's a mix, mostly ACD but some Husky and a little German Shepherd. So she's a total shed monster from early spring to early summer.

During shed season, I Furminate her multiple times a week. Out of shed season I never brush. After hikes, I use a few grooming wipes to get the dust off and check for burs and foxtails which she gets rarely between her toes. Her thick, slick guard hair repels most everything.

Even still, she gets an actual bath at the groomer about once every three months which includes nail trims and anal gland expression.
@jinsun Maybe every 4 or 5 months but we brush a lot. The baths are more like a water dunk with like 1% doggy soap. Too much for this breed is bad for the skin.
@jinsun I have an ACD/pit/GSD mix with a slightly different coat but generally the same grooming needs. I maybe bathe her once a year? I don’t really need to but her coat does feel softer and she sheds less after.
@jinsun Never, my girl hates being handled. I can carry her around if needed and brush her SOMETIMES if she's in the mood, but nails are impossible and she can't stand pretty much any other human than me & family.

Luckily she's pretty clean and no issues that would require grooming (knock on wood) because having anyone else have to groom her would be a bloodbath.