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How often do y’all take your pup in for grooming? Does it make a difference on where you live? Duke gets groomed every 6 weeks and we do baths at home in between that includes de-shedding shampoo and nail trim. He just got groomed a week ago and is still shedding so dang much I have a really nice expensive Dyson but gosh the hair lol 😆 I have enough for 4 dogs

Edit to add our Duke (ACD) and Tux (French Bully) both have severe allergies we have been to a dermatologist and they recommend we wash both twice a
Week with medicated shampoo to help relieve the constant itching, hot spots and bald spots, they both empty out our wallets for sure but we love them so very much! They have their own room with hypoallergenic beds and air purifiers due to severe itchy, sneezing and digging, have ruled out behavioral issues with a behaviorist and we also did allergy testing and the food eliminator diet and found both of them to have up to 7 allergies to foods/ environmental allergies as well so that’s why we do the baths more often than a regular vet would recommend
@jinsun 2 baths in 12 years. Daily brushing and mud dunks whenever it rained. If you let the mud dry and brush it out, it conditions their fur and skin. Bonus, it kills bugs.

Too many baths cause skin issues.
@lee102 Our vet and dermatologist said he needs a bath 2x a week he has severe allergies, and actually the grass and mud make his allergies worse :( 😩 so that’s not an option for us unfortunately he gets medicated baths due to his allergies
@lee102 Yeah we did food elimination diet for both our dogs
Our ACD is allergic to wheat, eggs, chicken, diary, salmon, peas

Our French Bully is allergic to Wheat, eggs, chicken, lamb, pork, salmon, barley

And both have seasonal allergies
@jinsun I had a beagle that was allergic to a specific palm tree. We finally just bought a new house in an older neighborhood without palm trees.
@jinsun Umm, never? Haha...I will attempt to bathe her once she starts smelling like a Frito, but that usually ends with me in the tub with her, covered in fur. And smelling like a corn chip, haha

I do trim her nails when needed, she doesn't mind that at all. In fact, if I could merge her with my beagle/pointer mix, I'd have a perfectly groomed dog!
@jinsun Mine gets professionally groomed once every 4 to 8 weeks, maybe less depending on need. The more he spends outside the less stinky he gets. I don't groom too often as I am concerned of stripping too much natural oil from his coat. He's a pretty clean dog as it is, but I do brush him often with a de-shedding tool to cut back on the amount of hair in the house.
@silvia74 Do you live in the north or south? I moved from the north to the south and feel like he sheds more here, maybe because of the humidity not sure
@jinsun I think I’ve bathed my boy a total of 5 times in 5 years. He’s like a cat, (always preening and self cleaning). He never stinks and is always super soft. People always comment on how well kept and clean and soft he is. We feed him this food called “Duck-a-la-Veg.” The sheds are a nightmare though. Two a year and air purifiers are like his hair shrines.
@jinsun I only bathe them when they roll in something awful or if spring hits and they blow their coat so aggressively that it's matting (mostly my acd mix).
@jinsun My 2.5year ACD has never been groomed. We bathed him maybe twice when he was a puppy and....never again. He would rather die. We try to brush him weekly and that's that
@jinsun I'm on my 2nd and 3rd (2yo and 3yo, my first died at 14yo) never seen a groomer. I brush them weekly and look at / cut nails weekly baths when needed maybe 3 or 4 times a year
@jinsun Yeah I’ve given my ACD one bath in his life, and that’s only because he rolled in manure. 🥰 they have the easiest coats! Except if they have allergies of course!
@jinsun Never. Good brushing once a week and he smells and feels good.

I thought ACDs would be stinky, but ours is really neutral.

He does like jumping in the ocean, so maybe a salt bath helps?

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