Goopy eyes, especially in the morning


New member
Hi! Firstly because I know a lot of people will recommend a vet without even reading my question: we HAVE seen a vet for this. She is usually great, but didn’t have an answer for us this time and said she could recommend an ophthalmologist if we wanted. She wasn’t too concerned about the issue.

My puppy (9 mo, M golden) wakes up every morning with incredibly goopy eyes. It started when he came down with pink eye in one eye, which we fully treated. Since then, he’s woken up every day with eye boogers in both eyes instead of just one one— the largest, wettest ones I’ve ever seen on a living creature (you’re welcome for the imagery). I’ve had dogs my whole life and never seen this. Additional vet appt confirmed it is no longer pink eye, but she wasn’t sure that it was allergies either. Zyrtec seemed to help, but she told us not to give it to him long term.

We thought that possible allergies could be due to changing seasons but it’s been a couple of months at this point. Any suggestions for how to help resolve if you’ve experienced with your pup? Wondering if new food might help, but I thought that was more for skin allergies and stomach issues. Would it be worth it to take him to a dog ophthalmologist and see if it’s a structural issue? Because it’s a bilateral problem and not one eye, and he’s not a breed inclined to eye issues, we don’t expect that it’s a physiological problem. We love our dog fiercely but would prefer not to spend the money on a non-emergent issue that isn’t much of a real bother if we don’t have to, and he hasn’t seemed bothered. Thoughts? TIA!
@tarper My pup had the same kinda thing and we did go to the opthalmogist. He diagnosised her with follicular conjunctivitis due to environmental allergies. What that means is she has many tiny blisters on the underside of her third eyelid. He had us get some OTC antihistamine eye drops. Worked good and now that it has snowed here her eyes are much better without the meds. We'll see what happens in the spring!
@kristoffer1983 Ouch! That doesn’t sound fun, but glad they were able to help you. Any tips for getting the eye drops in? We did a week of that for my pup’s pink eye, and despite giving him all of the love and peanut butter during eye drops, he HATED them and it was a constant battle. My SO and I dread the thought of daily drops…
@tarper I sat on a chair and had her sit between my knees facing the same direction so we were both looking forward. I kinda held her head with my knees and my SO helped as I tilted her head back and drop drop. You could try high value treats immediately afterwards...something like hot dog or cheese pieces. Also, if needed in the future, you can buy a product called Terramycin ointment OTC. That I just squeezed some on my fingertip and and put it in the corner lower lid and rubbed her eye so to spread it around. Eye allergies suck!
@tarper My pup gets this when he’s been sniffing around outside a lot during the day. I think just the dirt, pollen, etc irritate his eyes. I use a warm washcloth and clean around his eyes each day. It helps a lot and i can tell when I’ve forgotten.
@tarper This is going to sound crazy, but my neighbor has a golden retriever and said that she started giving him filtered water (vs. tap) and it helped clear up his daily eye goop.

My dog also had eye goop regularly, especially in the morning, and I started giving him filtered water (before my neighbor told me about her experience) and his eye goop did decrease significantly.

If you don’t already, maybe give it a shot for a few weeks? It’s definitely not a replacement for vet care, but a low stakes effort.