Good wins; funny fails


New member
Today I took my dog to a place that is a mix of an outdoor mall and residential area with a few streets of a bars/clubs and restaurants in the center of it and a small park with a dog park.

My dog is now minimally reactive and I take him about twice a week to this place to do some nice long sniff walks at the beginning before all the restaurants/stores open, stop at the dog park and practice some B.A.T around other dogs in the vicinity (he is hyper social) and finish up with some loose leash work in semi-crowds as everything opens up.

He is a great boy and did exceptionally well today. I mean no lunging or anything at dogs in the vicinity. Listening to go sniff cues when dogs are close by, settling while watching dogs at the park and calmly greeting dogs from the fence when allowed. With people awesome job, was switching sides of my body when asked such as needing him away from business doors or on my other side when passing things like children, dogs, and strollers.

Like I mean he was impressive! Up until we got to an area right in front of a cafe. A dog lunged at him and barked, he did super awesome and just waited for me to tell him where to go. I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see a completely intact dead pigeon laying right by a curb that I point to for him to go. My dog clamps this thing and my head is going a mile a minute thinking: if it’s intact it must have died from disease or poison! We work on a lot of predation sub stuff but a freshly dead bird is a delicacy he just can’t ignore, especially when I accidentally gave him the green light to go for it.

The sidewalks is crowded and so I pick him up by the handle of his harness, he is sixty pounds and lift him to my head level (I didn’t know what else to do as I was assuming the worse case scenario of him dissecting this bird in front of a crowd of eating people with children around) Just staring at him, and firmly saying, “Put the bird down! That is disgusting!” He finally drops it and I have to physically carry him with one hand over a bush right next to a road as well as walk over it myself (I’m 5’3 not that tall) to make space and distract him enough to keep his mind off going back at the bird.

I turn around and everyone from the cafe is staring at me, so I turn the corner and there are two guys above me who had been watching from the balcony. And they were like, “ya’ll good?” I low key think he thought I was just out there abusing my dog. So I looked at him and was like, “he found dead bird, and he is not allowed to eat dead birds,” and then just awkwardly walked away. 🙃

So how are y’all’s days going?
@annaboleyn I’m sure it wasn’t funny for you in the moment, but it’s a really hilarious image. And I’m sure when you told him the dead bird was disgusting he was thinking, “Stupid human has no taste in food!”

It reminds me of this time someone had spilled a Frappuccino on the sidewalk. My dog got a lick as we passed by (first time she’d tasted whip cream). She proceeded to flip herself around, lay flat on her belly, and was scrabbling on the sidewalk trying to get back to it. The entire time she’s yowling at the top of her lungs. Everyone, including passing cars, stopped to stare. It was almost 2 years ago, but i still laugh when I think about it.