Getting a puppy soon what should I do to prepare?


New member
Iv been looking for a puppy for a long time and now I finally am finally set and have a big backyard for a dog. Unfortunately the puppy’s I’m looking at were just born less then 2 weeks ago (mom had 9 I have not seen them yet but it’s a friend so I’ll pick once they r ready to go home with me prob around 8-9 weeks old) unfortunately I’m aware puppy’s r high maintenance and will require me to almost be awake 24/7. I have school starting end of August luckily I only go 2 days a week (8 hours each day) and can miss a total of 7 days. I will prob take at least 2-4 weeks off school in order to tend to the puppy (all work is online so it’s not like I won’t be doing school for that time). I plan on trying to get health care/health insurance for the puppy as long as taking him/her to the vet for a checkup as well to ask questions and see when shots will need to be done. I don’t have a car as I am 16 and only been working sense January but I am financially set for a dog (roughly 2k saved and growing so far to cover some first expenses and any emergency’s that happen in the future) and don’t have a car so going to the vet and pet store will be a struggle but my mom has promised she would help me in that regard. What should I do to prepare with not just a new husky puppy brought into my family but at the same time a baby that my sister is having. What should I do with the dog to ensure the baby is safe and the dog is gentle with the baby (I fully understand it’s a learning experience too and will take lots of time). I apologize in advance for such a long post.
@swanpslam48 My best advice is to prepare yourself for a difficult time ahead. Do A LOT of research, on house-training, enforced naptimes, crate-training, biting, capturing calmness and how to deal with walks. Youtube videos is a great help!

Also, sign up for puppy class with a trainer.

Having a puppy is a lot of work, and there's a lot of emotions involved. But that's normal! Just hang in there.

Also, puppies are unpredictable so keep it away from the baby untill you can trust the puppy not to bites (can be months) or harm it in any way. As someone who's dealt with the baby-puppy combo, crates can be a life-saver, as they can interact without the baby coming in harms way!
@milad Thank u so much iv been doing lots of research and preparing lots of questions to ask the vet as soon as there’s an adult to take me to the vet!!! Also the puppy will probably rarely be around anyone except for me (unless I’m at work or school) as at the end of the day it’s my dog my responsibility’s so anytime it does something wrong iv agreed to take full responsibility. Plus my sister is a first time mom so my mom will be using all her energy and time helping with the baby’s
@swanpslam48 Great, that you'll take responsibility. Just remember that the puppy will have accidents, and probably will destroy some things. My puppy chewed doorways and funiture, and your parents might not take that well if your puppy does something like that- so you need to be on top of how to deal with these puppy-issues as soon as they appear.

Also, just a side-note: research is great before (and after) getting the puppy, but it cannot prepare you for how difficult it might become. Real life hits you very hard after a couple of days with a puppy. Even grown ups get overwhelmed by the responsibility! It's normal to get "the puppy blues" and in that case, you can find support from other puppy-owner on the subreddit "puppy101".

Good luck!

Edit: Oh! And another advice: Prepare your parents for what's to come! Explain that it'll take time before the puppy is well behaved. Explain fx. that is has a biting-phase and that it might whine at night. You know, so they're not too caught off guard.
@milad My mom had a many puppy’s when she was a kid (she had 5 dogs all 5 were taken home as soon as it was safe for the pup to be away from their mom 8 weeks) so she knows all about pups and that’s the main reason she has not let me get one till now but the puppy will live in my room for the most part (play time outside or in the living room when it’s too hot outside) and will immediately be taken out every 2 hours and taken out after playtime. Would it be normal for the puppy to not go potty every time u take it out? Feel like that’s kinda dumb and obvious but I feel u can’t be to safe and too knowledgeable