Gash on pups leg


New member
So I noticed a big cut on my dogs leg, she went into the vet and I was expecting stitches, or something over it to help her healing. The vet apparently just shaved it, cleaned it and gave us an antibiotic. Should I be looking to take her to a different vet? The wound looks still wet and goopy. It’s roughly the size of a dime. She has an E collar on so she won’t lick it.
@marciemay Not every cut needs stitches, and on the wrong sort of cut stitches can actually hold infection in and make things worse.

Many cuts need to drain, so looking gross doesnt necessarily mean they havent done what needs done for treatment.
@marciemay Just keep the E collar on as long as the vet said. If he gave you medication to put on the wound, do it. It heals better in open air. You did the right thing of taking her to the vet. She will be fine. This is all part of being a pet parent, for they will worry us till their last day on earth. No shame in this at all.