Funny story how we got our first GSD

So my father’s birthday is very close to Father’s Day. And he’s always loved big dogs. GSD and Huskies. So my mom called me while I was in school one day telling me she got dad a dog and that she needed me to make up an excuse to leave town. I made up some drama audition excuse and my sister pretended to be sick so dad would stay home.

Before we left for ‘drama’ my dad was working on his vehicle and just mentioned to us “pick me up a goat on your way home”

When we got the little baby GSD. Nigel ended up getting major Motion Sickness and ended up throwing up at least 5-7 times. I didn’t want to stick his head out the window so I just made a little puke bucket with my favourite sweater. ;-; worth it though

Best part is when we got back home. I walked out of the car holding Nigel. And say to dad (who was still outside working on his vehicle) “Daddy we got you your Goat”

“NoooOOOooo hE’S toO biG”

Best reaction ever 😂

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