Food Vortex. Royal Canine vs...others?

@sevilodorf This is exactly the explanation I was looking for. Thank you for the well thought out and evidenced based information. I sincerely appreciate it. This helps to clarify my questions and eliminate bias against ingredients versus nutrition.
@sevilodorf It’s a tough choice, when there is so much misinformation, reminds me of antivaxxers and covid vaccines. Hahahahaa! That said, I do somewhat feel wedged into feeding royal canine as they are or people claim they have the best foods. I bought a bag of large breed puppy royal canine this morning.
@sevilodorf I understand why you are saying what you are saying but be wary not to pretend to represent all veterinarians, especially when you are not a vet yourself. You can't even begin to pretend you know why ALL vets sell what they sell at their practices and without a doubt there are plenty who sell it simply because a sales rep contacted them at the right place and right time.