flack for muzzle training.


New member
do people really not know the benefits of muzzle training and think it should only be breed specific? am I looking at this the wrong way?

I’m getting shat on in the r/goldenretriever sub for saying I want to muzzle train our puppy… basically that goldens should NEVER require muzzles and we’ll be bad owners if he ever does?!

we had a dog who was reactive and muzzle trained him. through our training (and trainer), vet, etc. we really learned the positives of muzzle training. we had to BE our dog..so to say we have “experience,” with training etc. kind of diminishes our knowledge.

I’d rather have my dog be comfortable with a muzzle before/if he needs it rather than be uncomfortable and way over threshold.
@hyperionlight I think the general feeling is muzzles mean a dangerous, untrained dog. Or that muzzles are cruel. But that’s not necessarily the case. Most people just don’t know any differently.

My dog loves her muzzle because it means she’s getting a ton of treats. She’s got a muzzle that’s comfortable. She can open her mouth, eat, drink, etc. We’ve never used it as any sort of punishment and she only wears it when needed. We mainly use it when doing things that stress her out, like trimming her nails. That’s when she’s most likely to snap out of fear. So her having the muzzle means we can stay calm, which calms her, and we can safely care for her.

It doesn’t make you a bad owner if you are using it responsibly to support your pup.
@tyke Okay thank you! I feel like reactive dog owners “get it,” versus people who have never owned one sometimes… it’s just an additional training tool that helps in times of stress, IF it’ll ever be needed is beyond our control. I’d rather have a dog who feels safe and comfortable in a muzzle rather than one who has no idea what this strange face contraption is and then is suddenly two times over threshold!

We adopted our last dog and we did successfully muzzle train him, and saw the benefits immensely of the muzzle. From the vet to even just being in the community with it on.. it’s just such a great tool to have in your back pocket!
@hyperionlight I know someone who has a muzzle on their frenchie that eats poop and everything else. They often have to wash the muzzle, but since their dog has severe food allergies, it’s been super helpful and saved them from a few vet bills.
@ngansale a frenchie in a muzzle for eating too much poop has me doubling over in laughter.

my bf’s dad has an absolute beefcake unit of a frenchie and he’s dumb as a box of rocks (literally is a dog “chad”), so i’m imagining that guy.
@hyperionlight Nothing wrong with muzzle training. Those people saying that breed should never be muzzled are the same who think pitties or rotties are all mean. It doesn't matter what breed the dog is, any dog can be reactive or the nicest good boi ever. You do what you feel is right. Also sounds like you know to properly muzzle, i know people who think a muzzle means not letting the dog open it's mouth. Dogs need to be able to pant so you are fine!
@tyke Yeah I have a dog who bites very hard during nail trims and I have him muzzle trained and he’s an 11lb mini dachshund/rat terrier mix. It definitely isn’t limited to big dogs and people are stupid if they think that.
@meshak2 I don’t think that it does, but I’ve definitely heard people say that trained dogs don’t need muzzles because a “trained dog” won’t act out.
@hyperionlight My kids might never fall off their bikes. They still need to wear their helmets. Even if plenty of other parents don’t make their kids wear helmets. Keeping your dog safe is more important than random peoples attitudes
@hyperionlight Does that sub not realize that Goldens can also be reactive even though they're known for being super friendly? I've ran into some Goldens that are not just reactive, but straight up aggressive. Too many people have a strange mentality with dogs that they should just be docile toys that are always a joy.
@cooljay Some people seem to make their chosen breed part of their identity and become blinded to the fact that the breed is not perfect and will do doggy things from time to time. Goldens have a rep for being sweet and friendly and it's not that they don't deserve it in general but at the end of they day they're still dogs and it won't grow hurt them to treat them as dogs.

In fact, my neighbors have a big goldendoodle. He looks like a Muppet and I'm sure he has been absolutely wonderful for them. They don't leash him when outside because I think they a) overestimate their training abilities and b) they see him as a big goofy doodle and doodles often get lumped in with goldens (ime). Well we walked(leashed) near their house and the doodle went into full attack mode. Unfortunately for him, my dog got the better of him and he learned a hard lesson. My pup has a couple nicks but nothing major. It really fucking sucks to break up a dog fight in front of the owner's kids because they had rose colored glasses on.
@wollwerth Someone called pitbulls “shitbulls,” in the thread on the sub which really went at me sideways. Like yikes!

I definitely agree.. we made our decision based on “generic,” breed traits but know any dog/breed can be reactive and/or aggressive, especially after having a reactive dog ourselves. In one of our reactive dog classes we had a border collie, lab, two pits, and an Aussie.. we feel prepared because we got SO good with r+ training methods and socializing, but also know we need to put in work.

my partner and I shit on golden doodles all the time (sorry to anyone who owns one and is reading this) because most of their owners act like how you described! assume that they’re trained/get a pass for being “cute,” which shouldn’t be a thing at all.
@wollwerth God lol reminds me of the goldendoodle puppy my neighbors got when I was a kid. That dog was aggressive and they were letting me and other neighborhood kids into their house and yard with the dog unrestrained. I think we were all a little battered, but it is a miracle nobody was ever seriously injured.

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