First night w 9 week old puppy and she’s crying in the crate


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dog tax

Update: We put her in a travel carrier she was sleeping in before we got her and she calmed way down and was able to sleep in a few hour intervals. So I guess we’ll use that and then work on transitioning her from it to the crate.

Do I take her out every time she cries? And then just put her back in every time she’s ok? And then repeat? Then how do I get any sleep?

Should I let her sleep in our bed until she gets more accustomed to the crate over time?

What do you do in the very beginning at nighttime?
@shieldoffaithlb We used two techniques:
1. Wait till the puppy is asleep. Then place them in the crate.
2. Stay in front of the crate till the puppy sleeps.
The last one is helpful to let the puppy know, she is not alone. But she is not getting out of the bench yet.
You just have to get through the wimpering for a bit. It will lessen. But you need to hang in there.
@shieldoffaithlb I had to lay on the floor in front of the crate until my puppy fell asleep when she first came home. The first couple nights were the worst but she got used to the crate pretty fast. We keep it beside the bed so if she wakes up in the night and cries my husband can hang his foot off the side of the bed and put a toe in the crate, it sounds silly but it does soothe her.
@shieldoffaithlb We had two puppies and thought they would be fine sleeping in a crate because they weren’t alone.
Male puppy cried. We thought ok we will just wait until he stops . He did not stop so we went to plan b.

We brought the crates up to our bedroom and put them right beside our bed. He stopped crying then.

They didn’t sleep in bed with us as puppies, but now they are older and less likely to pee the bed- they prefer it. We had to get a bigger bed.
@shieldoffaithlb Our puppy did the same thing.. he cried the whole night in the crate and it was almost two months of him barking ALL NIGHT LONG.

We gave him a bed, which he ripped up but laid on and then when he
Was like 5 or 6 months when we had potty training down (we
Got him at 3 months) he could sleep in bed with us. Now the little stinker steals my
Spot and refuses to move when I climb into bed. He’s lucky he’s cute.

It’s been absolutely fine.
@shieldoffaithlb same with our puppy: the first night, crate by our bed, screaming the whole night

the next night, we put him in a pen in the living room with the pee pad he was familiar with and after 15-20 minutes of crying he chilled the fuck out and slept the whole night, it was glorious. he got used to sleeping in the other room very very quickly. I used to come out to see him about 45 minutes after he had gone to bed and he was SO CUTE, so sleepy and wagging his tail while I rubbed his belly, then he'd go back to sleep. he adjusted very fast, I was surprised.

edit: new puppy ownership is SO HARD but it gets better along every metric with time. he'll have a mental growth spurt and he'll just suddenly get it and be ok. that happened so many times, one day he stopped chewing hands, one day he stopped whining for attention, one day he started signalling he had to go to the bathroom consistently.
@skyhawke4u This is a fantastic method. I did exactly this with my pup. Had about 3 nights of broken sleep taking her outside to relieve herself then straight back in the crate. The sound of someone else in the room sleeping helps them to know they aren’t alone. I also suggest crate training during the day for all sleeps rather than holding the cute puppy while sleeping. This way they learn the crate is their own special and safe place to sleep. 2 years later my dog still sleeps in her crate in the lounge room and she loves it.

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