Farm Dog for Middle East


New member

I am writing to ask for help shipping a livestcok guard dog from the US to Iraq.
I am doing this for a relative who is adamant about shipping a very well trained dog from the US to Iraq for their farm. Some have asked why he won’t get t one from Iraq, but the US simply has more specialized breeders and trainers.

Dog would need to
a) be already trained
b) guard the farm
c) guard chickens, roosters, etc (I have heard most dogs are not well suited to do this? Are there any breeds that are?)

Would a dog that protects the chickens not be suited for guarding cattle like sheep?

Where can I go about looking for an already trained farm dog that can withstand great heat (Texas level heat for instance). If anyone has any prices on what it would cost to ship or buy the dog, I’d appreciate learning that too.

What breeds are good farm dogs and can withstand heat?

Thank you