F the B that gave me and my dog a dirty look

@stateemil i feel this so much!! proud of you for managing her reactivity!!

my dog was reactive to bicycles last year and this older guy biked passed us on and loudly said to his grandson: “now that’s a really bad and mean dog!” and it really crushed me as i was trying my best to do right by my dog.

but we know we’re doing our best and we got to ignore them
@stateemil You are doing great! A lady screamed at my 1 year old rescue WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU when she jumped and fell on her dog when another owner was training with chicken in the dog park 🤦🏻‍♀️The other dog growled and my dog growled and they tussled for a second before I pulled her off. She screamed at me and my dog when she was no where near her own. I felt terrible, but we are doing our best.

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