Ever find yourself thinking "It's a good think I love my dog b/c no one else would"?


New member
I've had my ACDmix since he was 7weeks old and even from that point to today, no one loves my dog more than I do and he doesn't give a rats ass about anyone as much as he cares about me. Do you ever find yourself thinking "Man, it's a damn good think I love you, because no one else sure would"? ACDs sometime feel like puzzle pieces, to me. They are fit for their person and no one else, not really.

Any stories?
@xabitxabi Yes. This. My ACD cross was meant for someone like me and no one else. If anyone else adopted him I think he'd have ended up abandoned again.

Anyone who is not a part of his little pack, anyone he's never met, especially smokers for some reason, he hates. When I met him and started introducing him to new people he was fine with everyone. But as we bonded he got horrible around new people. I can't have company over. We're working on that.

He also hates about 70% of all new dogs he meets. It's completely random and unpredictable as to what will set him off. Interestingly, he's aggressive 100% of the time on leash, but only 50% of the time off leash.

He is a very social guy though. He loves interacting with the people and dogs he loves. He's great at sharing toys, food and other resources with my mom's tiny dogs and is surprisingly gentle with them. He gets a lot of exercise but if he doesn't due to weather one day, as long as he has his people to cuddle with, he's fine.

But even with all his stranger-danger distrust issues, and his finicky sensitive stomach that costs me $105/month in prescription food and probably an additional $50/month in the fancy natural treats that don't make him puke, and the antacids he has to have a half hour before every meal, and his occasional allergies that make his eyes red, and his excessive shedding despite a great diet and healthy soft shiny coat, and his paralyzing fear of nail trims and any grooming whatsoever, and his fear-aggression with the vet, and his strange compulsion to lick worn tshirts in the armpits cause he likes deodorant...he's made me happier than I ever thought possible. There's this term that crazy dog people like me call "heart dog". Like your canine soulmate. One in a million. He's my heart dog.

TL;DR... In spite of his flaws, I love my dog more than anything. Don't tell my SO but if it came down to him or the dog, I'd choose the dog, in a heartbeat, always. :p
@soultired LOL--I've TOLD my SO that if it came down to him or the dog, he can bet his ass it's the dog.

Also, I totally understand what you mean. No one would love my dog except for me. I like "Heart Dog" that's really cute. I'll have to start using that term!
@xabitxabi My SO and I that discussion about our red heeler, he has a lot of anxiety issues due to previous abandonment. I love him to pieces and he loves me. My SO calls it more of an obsession on the dogs end. I don't care, he can be a lot of work but it is totally worth it. We have a blue heeler as well and she is way more calm than the boy.

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