Even the most trained dogs have bad days..


New member
I wanted to share this with all of you who have puppy blues out there. Even the most well behaved and highly trained and skilled working dogs out there can have bad days. Case in point... our local PD's drug detection dog is currently on the lose and evading attempts to retrieve him by several folks in our community.

And just got an update - they got him...

So next time you're banging your head frustrated because things aren't going the way you expected - or you're just having a rough day... remember, even drug detection K-9s have bad days.
@sallama I once found a legit seeing eye dog wandering around my neighborhood. He had a seeing eye dog tag on, and as I got him to my car and drove him to the shelter, it was clear to me that he was EXCEPTIONALLY well trained. Definitely the real deal!

I got a call from the shelter an hour or two later that his owner had picked him up and was very grateful. He had wandered out of an open fence in their backyard... just like any dog :)

Even the best dogs can be little troublemakers!
@sallama Our dog, who has not made a mess in the house since he was 4 months old got up at 4am this morning and literally pee'd all over the house.

You could follow the trail of pee as he walked through every room, depositing as he went.
@sallama And of course, he's a Lab :)

Dogs aren't robots (and even robots break down now and then). They are creatures with their own thoughts, feelings, and impulses. It's always a bit head-scratching to me if an owner expects the dog to always be well-behaved, when we humans can't even do that.

"Having a rough day" should be forgiven for both dog and owner.
@allaloneuk I'm glad they found him quickly :)

I think it's easy to try and make comparisons between what you have and what others have. When in the throws of puppy blues, owners who are overwhelmed can feel like they just don't have that good dog like others have. It's great to be able to see that even dogs that are skilled for tasks are going to dog.
@sallama Man, this makes me feel so good and relieved. Not saying my puppy is a "best trained dog," but she is generally a very well behaved puppy in our day to day stuff.

Long story somewhat short: my 13-month-old puppy was an absolute nightmare the other night when I was surprised at my house by my mother (my puppy's favorite person) and four out of town relatives she had never met (including two kids). Add this all on top of me having my mother's dog for the week as well. Basically, the most overstimulated situation you could ever have. My dog wouldn't listen, wouldn't settle, and wouldn't stop basically trying to lay on my mother the whole time. She kept trying to pull towards my mother. My brother-in-law is a dominance advocate (my sister even called him "the dog whisperer") who does the whole gamut of poking and alpha rolling, so he started running his mouth, asking if I needed help. I politely told him he could fuck off and not lay a hand on my dog, but it got to the point where I had to just crate her and tell my nieces they couldn't play. She did not enjoy the crate too much at first, but I just ignored her.

Lesson learned. There are pros and cons to this experience, but it sucks when people don't see the day-to-day stuff you do with your puppy. It is also helpful to see the holes in your dog's training in order to grasp what you can work on.

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