Emergency advice needed


New member
When I woke up with my dog this morning, his face was swollen. I gave him half a benadryl and went to return paperwork for a job that I'm being hired for after several months of being unemployed. When I returned a few hours later, his face was swollen very, very badly. I gave him another half of a benadryl and had him drink some water.

I called all of the vet clinics in my area and none of them will see him without payment up front, but as I said, I've been unemployed for months. I've literally got 7 dollars in my bank and won't be approved for care credit without proof of income. Noone will do payment plans.

It's now been 15 hours since we woke up and the swelling hasn't gone down. I've given him higher doses of benadryl. He's about 90 lbs, so I realized he needed more. It still hasn't helped but I imagine it's the only thing keeping it from getting even worse.

I don't know what to do other than keep the antihistamines in him, keep making him drink water, and watch over him all night to make sure he doesn't stop breathing.

Any advice at all as to what to do? I feel so scared and helpless.

If he stops being able to breathe and j take him to the emergency vet, will they really refuse to save him if I can't give them any money up front? They said they couldn't over the phone.

I applied for a grant earlier today but I have no idea if they'll respond or if they'll help me.

Please, any hope at all would mean the world to me.

Edited for more info: his teeth are all healthy and clean, he has no visible wounds, he's 3 years old and a pitbull/mastiff mix. I don't know what caused this but it looks like photos of a bee sting.