E collar help or how to keep 2 dogs from fighting???


New member
Rescued an older ~6-8 y/o GS from the shelter she is real skittish but sweet, already had a 4 year old GS/ collie mix, resident dog is high energy and there have been 2 dog fights in a week. Got the resident dog a e collar- sport dog 100s and I was trying to find her baseline stim and 1 was not acknowledged but 2 made her yelp and jump in pain. . . Afraid I ruined her on an e collar — what to do?
@jtra5 When did you introduce the new dog? It takes time and careful watching to introduce two dogs. New dogs should be kept attached to you with a leash for at least a few days. Do not give them an opportunity to have fights. 100% would not introduce an ecollar.
@jtra5 Have you thought that this just isn't a fit for the household? Why are these dogs not being introduced properly via the two week shutdown and then via a normal dog/dog household protocol?
@jtra5 Trainer! You desperately need a trainer. Until then, crate and rotate or teether them. /do not/ fully separate them, as this will make it worse. But make it impossible for them to touch.
@jtra5 Can you try some muzzle training with them instead? My dog is reactive and using the e collar with other dogs in the mix doesn’t end the behavior.

Also agree with others that introducing the dogs more slowly would help since they’ve had two negative interactions already.
Didn’t want the e collar but had to have something on hand when grandma is watching the dogs during the day so she can keep control , the resident dog was first in her canine good citizen class as well
@jtra5 Introducing an aversive suddenly without any building or addressing the core issues will only further hurt your dogs.

We need to address why the two dogs are fighting and stop it. This may mean only muzzled interactions or possibly sending one dog to a day boarding facility.

Also how long have you had this dog? If this is a brand new dog into the household there's going to a long period of finding out where everyone fits and how to deal with a multi dog household.

I would contact a local trainer who can observe and then advise what to do.