E-collar advise please! My dog is afraid of it and I’m not quite sure what to do/ why


New member
I recently got an e-collar for my dog for two reasons:
1- to help his recall (pretty good but he likes to chase squirrels, in that case he won’t listen)
2- to try and train him to not leave our partly unfenced yard

I had him smell it, gave treats, had him wear it, gave treats. Tried to create an overall positive association with it and he seemed fine, he didn’t seem to care about it at all. My plan was to use the beep as a “don’t leave the yard” and the low level stimulation for the recall.

I have flags set up around the perimeter of my yard for his boundary training. He already knows not to go through them, he just ignores it sometimes when he’s distracted, I wanted to use the e-collar to work on that. I beeped it in my hand multiple different times over a couple days when he tried to walk through the flags and gave a verbal correction. Today I took him outside with it actually on him and walked the perimeter then let him walk around on a long line like always, when he tried to go through the flags I beeped the collar. He stopped and came back, yay, and he did it a couple more times and I beeped the collar each time then rewarded him for staying in the yard or when he was running, stopping at the flags. But after the second or third time I noticed he was becoming scared in general. He stopped running around, and walked timidly by my side even far from the flags. I have the beep on the lowest setting so it’s not super loud. Now it almost seems like he’s afraid to be outside.

My dog is not one to be afraid of sounds, he can sit on the sidewalk as an ambulance goes by and be unfazed by it, fireworks don’t bother him either. I’ve stopped using the collar in the meantime but what can I do to help him? Did I do something wrong?

He didn’t care about the sound when it was in my hand, but now he seems like a different dog. No, it was not shocking him, I tested it many times on myself to make sure of that. I haven’t used to for recall training yet and now I’m afraid to. What should I do?
@jnite37 My dog is very, very sensitive to the beep and like the other poster said, it is actually much more aversive for her than the stimulation at a low level.

If you can work with a professional trainer, definitely do that. There are many videos online that may help you find your dog’s working stimulation level, I think I would put the collar on and not use it, just so he doesn’t associate it very negatively. I would not use the beep for him, and I would work to find his working level in a week or two with lots of treats and direction from at the very least some online videos.

The way you did it sounds really great and would have worked on other dogs I know but some dogs are just really sensitive and we have to change gears, don’t sweat it!
@tigerstripe I watched a lot of YouTube and read a lot of articles but I never read about the beep being more assertive😭, only the vibrate. Live and learn I guess🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m still having him wear it at random times like you said, and he doesn’t mind wearing it at all which is good. I’ll look for a trainer to assist me before I do anything further with it. Thanks!
@jnite37 Consult a professional trainer to re-condition the collar but be prepared that he might not be a good fit for the collar. FWIW a beep is more aversive than the stim to most dogs, mine included.