Dogwalking time?


New member
Is it okay if i walk my dog for 15 minutes 4 times a day? There is like no free time in my day so i have to spilt up her walks. So is 4 walks and 2 feedings is that ok or no? Shes is about 3 years old maybe older were not quite sure
@mom22feb Hey that’s great if that’s what you can manage :) the old adage “fed is best” applies to the logic of how many walks and for how long.

You can do different kinds of walks for her. Some where it’s a sniff and explore, where she gets to pick where you go and what she sniffs. You can do some running, so active training while walking. You can teach her tricks to interact with the world around you. :) the world is your oyster!

Also two meals absolutely fine
@mom22feb Each dog is individual, so try it out and see if they do well or not :)

I would also make sure you take time to also increase the amount of menta simulations through puzzle toys and sniffing games in the house to help keep her occupied and not bored :)
@jewelpet Yeah, second this. I found over the summer I somewhat accidentally started walking my dog "too much" to cope with things going on in life.

We'd walk miles and he'd still be mostly bored at home. No regrets or anything, I think it was good for both of us, but was definitely still leaving him desiring something more.

Now we've cut back on the mileage and instead added more mental stimulation after. For awhile I started initiating [any type of] mental stimulation after we got back from the walk. I've noticed over time it seems like he's grown to like this time, I think it's a type of self-care for him. At this point he takes it upon himself if I have something else to do after the walk.

Right now he's molar-deep into a nice chew right behind me, as we just got home from our new/shorter version of the walk. He seems very content and if routine holds true, he'll be passed out within 20 minutes or so.

Though... reading this back... I just justified browsing reddit as 'having something else to do'... so I guess I'ma go self-reflect on that.
@mom22feb “Listen” to your dog. If they’re able to successfully settle down at the appropriate times and keep a stable weight, that cadence is working for them. If they’re hyperactive, destructive, gaining weight, etc. then they need more or different types of exercise/engagement.

We had a bunch of family schedule disruptions over the last couple months - Covid, business travel, school year starting, back injury, heat wave, etc. - and we started slacking on walks and playtime. I noticed an increase in our dog’s destructive behavior - chewed up shoelaces, stealing papers off my desk, etc. We’re making a concerted effort to get back on track this month.
@mom22feb That similar to how I am with my dog. We do 3 15min walks plus some good play time. I add training into the walks too. She gets feed 2 times a day, morning and evening. I try to hit the dog park once a week on a week day, I don't like them too crowded. My girl is lower energy tho.
@mom22feb I am following a method which puts dogs needs above everything else. It says " regardles of its age, breed and size, a dog should walk at least 6km and this has to split at least 3 times of a day" . 4times is no problem, just be sure he/she has enough exercise and playtime with other dogs.
@mom22feb That sounds like a great plan for them. I only walk our dog 2 times a day for about 20 minutes he's an older guy and before I moved states he had a big backyard but we live in an apartment now and we both have 10-12 hour shifts but he doesn't seem to mind this. I work as a vet assistant so I know he's pretty happy and content. We still play with him and give him attention after work of course as well.
@mom22feb I would play with her in the yard rather than walk her so much. When you play in the yard you can see when she gets tired, when dogs go for a walk they don’t often tell you their tired, they just keep going