Dogtra 1900S B&L Boost Increment


New member
How much should I set the boost increment too? 10? 20?

The purpose of the boost would be for high drive moments. Currently if I try to recall her with the constant button when she's in a high drive moment, such as chasing the ball, she completely ignores it. I don't want to dial in boost during her ball time because I don't want her to correlate fetch with getting hit with a boosted e-collar so I'm unsure how to get the correct number and be confident in it's reliability. I want to have the boost strictly as a back up when we are out hiking/camping in the event we run into some wildlife and I need to get her attention.

She responds really well to the vibrate and nick/constant when she isn't over threshold, I just need to have a failproof backup plan for those rare occasions.
@randy777 Try 10. If that doesn’t work, do 20.

This advice absolutely assumes you have correctly collar conditioned your dog. By this I mean that your dog knows that responding to the command allows escape from collar pressure. So, “come” no response, nick, “come” and the dog comes. The dog knows how to escape the pressure (negative reinforcement).

I use a 1900. I didn’t go with the boost option because I want to have control. Sometimes my dogs need 10 more, sometimes 20 more. It depends on the situation.