Dog with severe IBD


New member
Hi y'all! Seeking some advice for my poor girl.

My Aussie pup is turning two in October, and since she was like 6 months old she's had chronic diarrhea and vomiting. She was eating a standard kibble diet, sometimes we'd give her eggs and blueberries for fun but her primary diet was dry kibble. When her GI issues started we brought her in all the time and the vets continuously brushed it out, saying it's normal for puppies to have vomiting and diarrhea sometimes (even though we said it was almost a daily thing after a certain point).

After much advocating for her, they finally referred us to a GI specialist who then did a colonoscopy and an endoscopy and revealed severe IBD. She was immediately put on a Hydrolyzed kibble diet and given Prednisone and Tylosin.

Some days it worked, some days it didn't. It seemed like every 3 days she would have diarrhea and stomach pains and then she would be okay for 2 days. Finally because of the inconsistency in results (even with dosage changes) her specialist switched her to Budesonide with the Tylosin. It worked halfway - she was keeping food down but her poop was really mushy (not full diarrhea though, so we were still optimistic). She has been on it for about 2 weeks and she just woke us up this morning vomiting blood after vomiting all day yesterday.

We are truly at a loss. We want the best for our dog and are really heartbroken at the lack of results and probably the constant discomfort she experiences.

I am at this point convinced it is diet. Kibble is not natural at all for their bodies and I read that the high cereal filler content can be really bad for dogs, and I read also that a lot of dogs who switched to a full fresh food diet saw a full recovery and were practically cured of their IBD.

I would love some thoughts on this!
@mrsndem Completely different dogs but maybe your pup may also have a sensitivity to something? My husky who also has IBD was prescribed prednisone daily but it wasn't until we eliminated all chicken products from his diet that he began getting better.

Just like your vet, I was often told his issues were normal and it wasn't until he was 1.5years old that he was diagnosed after getting close to death (vet referred me to an emergency vet with specialists same day)

He's still on prednisone 4 years later but every 3rd day now instead of daily and gets yearly check ups. Even the smallest bit of chicken will give him mushy poops.
@mrsndem VisBiome probiotic is a miracle. I gave it to my cat who had IBD and combined with figuring out her food allergies helped SO MUCH. Generally the people version is a bit cheaper than the pet version, but they are exactly the same. Some pet insurances will help pay the cost as well.

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