Dog suddenly aggressive @ 3.5 yrs


New member
Posted in another training page here too. Looking for advice or help with my 3.5yr old Great Pyrenees mix. He is about 75 lbs. He does take 100mg of cyclosporine for anal fixtures - we have been on meds about 4 months.

Over the last few weeks he has gotten significantly more aggressive. It has been directed solely at me since this has began. (We have a 10mo female Great Dane we added 6mo ago, and a 4mo pregnant wife - no issues with either of them as of yet).

I have had 4 incidents with my male now (all in the morning only - seems normal when I get back home in the evening) where he has shown major aggression with me that I have never experienced with him. All has been within last 3 weeks. He has never been THIS reactive (in his first 6mo-1yr he would snap sometimes if suddenly awoken, and bit me once when he had a vomit covered paper towel he was trying to eat - I have NEVER had any issues taking food/toys/treats from him - whether it be person or dog intruding). Other than that he has been around my in laws, in a rv, our cabin, etc. with other family members, and other dogs male and female for extended periods of time without issue. (We travel together and my family has 3 large dogs, and my in laws have a 2yr old Great Dane).

Incident 1: He was eating breakfast and I pet him to say goodbye before I left for work. He snapped and bit my forearm (1 bite - I had a winter coat on so no marking, just a small bruise from the pressure). I scolded him and told him no. I was a little more stern and yelled due to the severity of this random snap. I pinned this to just being tired or not well rested and went on about it.

Incident 2: I was leaving for work and went to pat him goodbye. I went to pet his head and he showed me teeth and growled. I backed off and let him go onto his couch spot where he let me pet him like normal. My thought here was that the other dog was antagonizing him and he was just tired still and not ready to deal with any attention. I don’t think I even reprimanded him here and just let him be.

Incident 3: yesterday I was leaving for work. I gave the 2 dogs their morning bone biscuit and said bye (Great Dane is in a crate still - she got her treat in the crate). My male dog was almost finished eating his, when I patted his head and then his butt and said bye. I took about 2 steps back when I saw him turn around. He then showed his teeth and charged me. He grabbed my forearm/hand and bit me about 3-5 times without stopping until I was able to grab his collar and get control/make him lay down. This incident left swelling, bruising, some teeth marks/scratches. I was not actively bleeding but the markings are just below “skin-breaking”. I was very upset with this incident and I did scream at him as loud as I could while I was holding him on the ground - (essentially screaming what’s wrong with you, bad boy, etc.) I did not physically reprimand other than my pointer finger on his nose while I was yelling. He didn’t seem phased and then went on the couch and was upset/not doing anything. I left for work and when I got home he was standoffish, but eventually came and cuddled on me/licked my face like normal. My wife and I concluded this is likely resource guarding because the 2 major incidents both involved food or treats.

Incident 4: this AM (morning after bite), he seemed normal. Let me wipe his paws, give him his medication, pet him, etc. He jumped on our couch and I went to pat his head, and he again showed teeth and growled. I backed off and tried to approach with treats but he wouldn’t come by me or walk in the room I was in. He was going to my wife and being fine with her, but seemingly has some issue with me.

I am nervous what to do or how to react. He is my first dog of my own and I have been very close with him. I usually have the best relationship with him and this behavior is just very unusual and upsetting. I am nervous that he will bite my wife and even worse, this will bleed over to when our baby comes. Any help would be appreciated. He has never been very food motivated, which also makes this that much weirder. Any help would be appreciated.
@sjmc1993 Your dog needs to get checked out at the vet. This sounds like a rapid escalation of apparent resource guarding and could have a medical cause.

Stop petting or approaching when he has food. Put him in a separate room and wait til he’s done if you have to. In fact start leaving him alone most of the time.

Stop yelling at the dog in anger should an incident happen. Your goal is to de-escalate. Move slowly away, don’t make eye contact. Dogs don’t understand what yelling means and they don’t know English. You’re just making yourself more threatening to a dog that’s already shown you how he reacts to threats.

Your dog may be unwell, may be affected by their meds, might have pain or illness that is severely affecting their temperament and tolerance. They need a vet first and foremost.

In the meantime, never take things from this dog without offering a high value trade, and frankly I’d only even try to take something if it posed a significant and actual threat to the dog at this stage.
@obadimu Thanks sire. I realize now that the yelling, etc. is not helpful and I regret it after learning so. Just seemed reactionary in the fact that I was randomly attacked for something that is part of our daily routine (pets, breakfast, treat goodbye). He does have a vet appt next week that was scheduled 2.5 weeks ago (vet scheduling is not the easiest). This has all happened in between. We will see what they say.

My concern is - why just me? And why does this seem like just a morning thing? Is he resource guarding my pregnant wife? This doesn’t seem to totally be food/resource as this AM all I did was pet the top of his head and he growled. He has same old loving demeanor towards my wife.

Our Great Dane - as sweet as she is - is always all over him. She takes bones/toys and they eat from each others bowls regularly. He has not shown any aggression towards her. We have separated them now during feeding time so she won’t eat his food, and we are trying to work on keeping her from stealing toys he is actively playing with. But again - none of this aggression has gone towards her or my wife.

We have not changed anything for him recently other than switching from Atopica brand to generic cyclosporine for his medication. None of the side effects on either med label any behavior changes.

He also doesn’t seem to be in pain anywhere. He has had injuries in the past which have caused stress and made him reactive, but this seems different. He is very active and playful but the reactions are not similar to what I have seen in the past.
@sjmc1993 Start making lists of what was happening when events happen. I'm talking, who was in the room (wife? Other dog?), has anything weird happened today (maybe wife had a doctor's appointment and left at a weird time, dogs thrive on schedule and depending on the dog this could get rid of some of his spoons), did he have a resource he was protecting (food, toys, even your wife is a resource), maybe he saw a weird dog on his morning walk he didn't like? If it's not pain related, this should hopefully help you find out
@sjmc1993 He needs to be evaluated for pain. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean he isn’t in pain.

He’s a livestock guardian. Your other dog is livestock to him. He’s fine with her until she crosses a line, but you aren’t livestock. The Dane really isn’t either but think of it from a dog POV.

That said he corrected you the way that breed does. LSG are mouthy.

I know you said this is your first dog. Did you do any research on LSG breeds or did he fall into your lap? They are different from other breeds. Different way of thinking, of interacting, of just being, than others. You can leave this type in a field by himself for months and it’s fine.

But first: vet. Evaluated for pain. Then maybe get him a set of rules that everyone follows, and a job.
@lenumerick Yah one thing I notice in this sub is people don’t take their dog’s breed into consideration when looking at reactivity. It’s an important part of their biology.

Guardian dogs get corrected for their normal behavior more than chihuahuas do for being wild. Of course a shepherd is going to nip! Thats how they control the flock. The key is getting around the nip and channeling their energy into something more productive.
@lenumerick hundred percent, we have a very instinctual australian shepherd who barks when anything is out of order or out of norm! we used to be bothered by it but now we work with it, and understand more.
@sjmc1993 I think you should stop petting him from behind when he’s eating. I’ve seen some people feed their dog each kibble to help food aggression but idk if it actually helps. Get a dog trainer asap, so it can be helped before it gets worse. Maybe it is your pregnant wife triggering this, as Great Pyrenees are used for protection with farm animals. They protect the pregnant animals and baby animals from whatever they perceive to be a threat. I saw a video of a livestock dog snapping at a herding dog trying to come see the new baby goat, despite usually being friends. They were fine after but he didn’t want him near the baby. Is this your first time having children?

Honestly I could be spewing B.S but get a trainer asap and talk to your vet. Something is probably going on with him
@sjmc1993 One thing that's been touched on that I think is extremely important to keep in mind is your Great Pyr is a livestock guardian dog. Resource guarding is a good thing for them.

It can get extreme, but when they're out with the herd and a goat wants to eat their food, if the dog doesn't guard that food it can and will go hungry.

They also mature slower. So at a bit over three years old your dog is leaving behind their adolescent stage and is now an actual adult.

I agree a vet visit is necessary, but resource guarding is something you are likely going to have to deal with. As has been mentioned, leaving the dog alone when they eat is a good thing, and if you must take away something do an exchange for something the dog views is better. You want the dog to associate giving in as a good thing. Not as bad.

And please do not try to stop the dog from growling. Growling is a warning to you, and if the dog is uncomfortable enough you absolutely want to know.

A dog who doesn't growl is a dog who "suddenly" bites.

And I'm not saying that nothing should be done about what causes the growling! Again a vet visit and leaving alone while eating plus the exchange vs just taking are going to be good actions to take! But the growling is the dog communicating to you.

This will take time, but especially with a baby on the way teaching the dog that their food and space is respected will go a long way. If they think every time you are around them while they have food and they're going to be bothered or the food taken, they will likely just resource guard even more.

Again, livestock guardian dogs are just a little different with some of their instinctual behaviors!
@sjmc1993 please stop patting his head. he doesn't like it, with or without food involved. i would only give him attention on his terms (he walks up to you and asks for pets). he had resource guarding issues in the past, and this seems to be kind of similar, except there can be many things going on right now.. his health, more sensitive with your wife being pregnant, the new puppy, etc.

you are right to be worried about how things will be with the baby, which is why it is important to act now.

please read some books like Mine! for resource guarding and Control Unleashed to learn pattern games.

it might be worth reaching out to michael shikashio and sending him videos. but here are some free resources on his website:
@sjmc1993 A few things to think about:

Are both dogs neutered? Your Great Dane is about the age to be hitting sexual maturity and could be distracting to him, especially if he's not.

And has he shown any protectiveness over your wife? Has she been present during any of these encounters? I've heard a lot of anecdotal stories about dogs suddenly getting protective over a pregnant woman. Your boy is a guardian breed and he may be guarding her against you.

Take him to the vet and make sure he doesn't have any illness or pain that may be causing his irritability.

Don't pet him on the head! A lot of dogs don't like that, and clearly he doesn't.