Dog Reactivity Advise (Irish Setter)


New member
Hi there. I’m looking for some constructive advice about dog reactivity.

I have an Irish Setter who is a year and a half old. She’s called Twix. I have had her since she was 8 weeks old.

She has developed some serious reactivity issues. She is over the threshold with many things around her, and lunges forward and barks. When this happens, it can take a long time to tame & calm her, which causes people to stop, stare, comment etc. in the street making the situation worse. Her triggers are everything from runners, cyclists, motorcycles, occasionally cars, vans, etc.

To try and target the problem, I’ve been walking her with the attempt of maintaining her attention on me. Sitting in distance but close by to traffic and treating her when I see her about to lunge and bark. With high value treats this sometimes works, but she sometimes ignores the treats and proceeds to lunge and bark because the distraction is too tempting. I don’t feed her prior to these training sessions, to ensure she’s hungry, but it’s still hit and miss. This happens when both at a distance and close by (e.g. she could spot a cyclist going by at the end of the road, and fixate on it).

This has really interrupted our loose lead walking training, because once she’s over the threshold (which can, and often is, within 2 seconds of leaving the house) it’s hard to calm her down. It has also impacted her recall. Her recall used to be truly excellent, and I could trust her off-lead anywhere. Now, even on an enclosed field, she is anxiously searching for stimulus around her and chooses when she comes back to me.

I’ve noticed when outside she always seems very anxious (continuous panting) and almost searching for something to react to. Holding her attention is very hard. Even when sat down for long periods (coffee shops, for example), she won’t relax or lie down.

At present, it’s really disrupting our training. We feel like it’s a catch-22 (attempting to train her loose lead walking or train her re-call, but it’s continually interrupted by her reactivity and the hard work is reversed when she’s lunging forward, barking, etc).

Please note: me and my partner spend at least an hour, everyday, working on her training, and have done since day 1. From toilet training at the beginning through to commands, loose lead walking, etc. We are really doing our best. She’s our world. Some people are simply recommending ‘more training’ which is very frustrating to hear. We have consulted a behaviorist too – currenting awaiting their reply.

Please if anyone has similar experiences, do share them with me. I’m all ears.

TL;DR: Irish Setter suffering with reactivity issues to almost every bit of stimulus outside of the house (cyclists, runners, vans, cars, etc).
@raywood It's hard to say without seeing the dog but a few things you could try are.
Go right back to basics as if you were trying a puppy for the first time like obedience in the house with no distractions then build up.
Forget about training for a while and just have fun with tug toys, fetch if you have a garden try some scent work away from distractions.
Lots of direction changes when walking like turn to the right,turn to the left,run backwards.
Do you always go to the same places for training? Is it possible that the dog is getting territorial of your local walks?
Have you corrected the dog for the behaviour? I don't mean a harsh correction but gentle lead pops.
Definitely get a behaviourist to work with you as without seeing the dog people just don't know especially with reactivity.good luck
@raywood Stop going for walks until you can work on her triggers from a distance and desensitize/counter condition her to remain calm and focused. Continuing to practice the behavior makes it a more ingrained habit and harder to change.

It's important to find the distance she's comfortable with distractions. You need to work beyond that distance or in an isolated area and very slowly build up the distractions.

Find a qualified behaviorist or board certified veterinary behaviorist (this can be hard, dog training is unregulated and many use punishment and fake behavior credentials)