Dog owners of reddit, when does it get easier?


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Me (24F) and my boyfriend (28M) rescued a lab/hound mix two months ago. We researched and read and did what we could to adopt a dog and be prepared for it, and did not take this choice lightly. He’s now almost 8 months. He has a super sweet and mellow disposition, is great with people and kids and after some initial reactivity, is now really good with other dogs. He has a little bit of training under him (sit, down, stay), and we’re working on leash pulling, but otherwise is a model pup, is 99% house trained. My bf and I are both first time dog owners and are now attached to him, and he’s finally come out of his shyness and is getting excited and happy around us. We can leave him alone for around 4-5 hours at a time.

So what’s the problem? Mainly, he keeps getting sick. He came home from the shelter with kennel cough, two weeks later got giardia, and now has BOTH kennel cough and giardia. We’ve had him for a little more than 8 weeks and it feels like for 6 of those weeks he’s been in quarantine, which means support systems (training classes, daycare, etc.) are off the table. This also has translated to $400-$600 vet bills every 3 weeks, even though we have pet insurance. The vets say that there’s just a ton of sickness in our area because we live in an urban, dog-dense area. Obviously I can’t fault the dog for getting sick, it’s just a layer of added stress to an already big life change of bringing a new family member home.

Secondly, my bf works full time in the office and I’m hybrid, so I’m home everyday with the pup. My office is starting to pressure me to start coming back in certain days of the week, so I am trying to figure out what to do now that daycare is off the table. My bf’s job has no options to work remotely, and he has been going in-person since April 2020; if he wanted to stay home to help, he would have to use PTO days. I’ve been trying to do mornings in the office, but with a long commute it makes me feel very scattered and overwhelmed running back and forth to do my job and come home to pup. I spend all day with him, deal with his puppy energy, take him on walks, give him all his meals, and a lot of the time feel like I’m doing it all by myself even though my bf helps when he gets home and handles the evening walks. Especially with not having external support systems with pup being sick, I feel like I’m on my own a lot of the time. I feel like I’m walking, feeding, cleaning, playing, training, vet appointments, AND trying to do my job on top of all of it. He also just won't stop barking and whining when I'm with him at home and trying to work-- no amount of interactive toys (that he destroys in 2 days) or snuffle mats or long walks will stop him from the barking.

I just feel so overwhelmed by all of it. I don’t think I’ve gone more than 2 days without crying in the past 8 weeks, I’ve started to go back to therapy in large part because of pup (and work stress, but that’s for another SOS post), and I genuinely worry about the strain that it’s putting on my relationship and on my job. We anticipated that getting a dog would be hard, but the continued sickness just continues to throw us for a loop. I just feel so hopeless that it’ll ever get better.

He’s such a sweet pup and the idea of rehoming him is the absolute last option, but I just don’t know how much more my mental health can take. Does it ever get easier? Something has to give, right?
@ilearn Hey, it’s going to be okay! The first few months are always the hardest. 8 months is still a baby as far as pups go. At 1 year he’ll mellow out more, at 2 years even more so. At 3 years that’s when you’ll start seeing your pup as more of an adult dog.

He’ll get healthier - he’s building up his immune system right now and working through being rescued. Once he’s healthy you could consider dog day care or hiring a dog walker to come by while you’re at work so he’s not home as long.

Something you should look into is toys that will keep him occupied. Think puzzle toys that are hard to open, kongs with frozen treats inside, bully sticks, or my fav toy which is called the pickle - whatever it takes to keep his attention while you’re working.

You’ve got this and it WILL get easier. Having a puppy is like having a baby, it’s always hard in the beginning, and it’s only been 8 weeks. Cut him and yourself some slack, you’re still getting acquainted 💕
@ilearn It will be ok! My dog is my first dog on my own and my boyfriend barely had experience with dogs. It’s been over 2 years (he started at 4 months old) and it’s great now, but it was HARD at first. But it takes at least 3 months for your dog to really feel comfortable in your house and adjust.

One suggestion - sounds like you’re stimulating him a lot with toys to try and keep him occupied, but try crate training him so he gets sleep too. He could be overtired when he whines. You’ll need to teach him how to CHILL OUT and just -be- when you’re home. He’s still a puppy which means he needs more rest than adult dogs. My dog sleeps more than my cats, but he could just be lazy 😂

Look up techniques for crate training and how to teach your dog to rest. It will get better!
@ilearn My dog caught everything when we rescued him from kennels so I know how it feels being at the vets every week. He’s now really healthy and content though. There’s huge anxiety when you get a new pet, especially dogs as they’re so dependent. I’ve had it every time. It goes away and you’ll find your routine and he will learn it too. Just concentrate on getting him healthy and it sounds like everything else will work out.
@ilearn First-time dog mom here. Holy hell I remember those puppy days. My sweet boy Kobe was the most adorable furball when he was a pup, but I was on edge for several long months—like is he ever going to learn our routine, will he ever be potty trained? Kobe is now 4 years old, potty trained & is a creature of habit. We learned that he really thrives on routine and because of this, he is a super chill doggo now. It really does get better. Everyone here has really great advice! We’re rooting for you🌟
@ilearn It DOES get better! It sounds like you're doing a lot right. Some bad luck in there.

Puppy blues are a very real thing. In the moment, it feels like the annoying behaviours will never end, but they do.

Barking while you work: crate, or train him to stay on his bed, or just shut the door. At least for short intervals. Learning to have quiet down-time is a life skill.

Can you have a friend or neighbour let him out on the days you go into the office? Can you go in for half days? Maybe it's time to just TRY an 8 hour day and see! (Leave a laptop or old phone to record what he does during the day!)
@ilearn It gets easier! I'm a first time rescue dog owner and I'd give it about 6 months for things to settle and really get into a routine.

The first 2-3 months we had a lot of health issues and vet bills too, but that stopped around month 3/4.

Once your dog's health gets better and you're able to get a dog walker or doggy daycare things should improve a lot.

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