Dog in first heat, peeing in diapers :(


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Our 8 month old Cavalier is in her first heat. She started on 4/9 and is still in the bleeding phase. She’s bleeding enough to where we are having her wear diapers in the house (we have 3 kids, 3 cats, and an older dog so anything to minimize extra clean up is necessary lol). anyways, our timeline with her has been a bit odd.

We purchased her on 3/25/2024. We had a pre planned trip but opted to take her home for a week-ish (just over) and then bring her back to the breeder for our trip. So she was with us 3/25-4/3. Then she was with the breeder from 4/3-4/15 (started heat the 9th). And has been with us since 4/15.

All that to say, she hadn’t had an accident in the house when we had her before our trip. We’d been working on bell training/potty training (she was potty trained 90% but didn’t let anyone know when she needed to go outside, would just hold it and then go when offered). Now we’ve noticed she’s peeing in her diapers 😭 we are letting her out to go the bathroom frequently (between every 30-60 min) sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn’t.

I’m just wondering if anyone has had a pup have accidents in heat and then go back to normal after the heat cycle is over? Just really hoping her new normal isn’t constant peeing 😭