Dog has Vitamin D poisoning, struggling to cope

@hullen The fact that they’ve sent you home is a very encouraging sign. Google will always come up with the worst case scenarios. Your vets knows this particular scenario the best. Lots of love to you and Marvin.
@hullen My boy ate a Costco sized bottle of ibuprofen. When I got home he was blind, semi-paralyzed and hypothermic. Spent 3 days hospitalized at the E-vet. Literally crapped whole pills out because he ate so many. Poison control literally saved his life and 7+ years on he’s still going strong with good bloodwork.
@seekingthetruegod They instructed the e-vet as to how to treat the toxicity. He was treated with IV lipids that the e-vet didn’t know about and didn’t carry since it’s not common to need them. I got a script and went to a local hospital to pick them up. Poison control has specialists and they have knowledge the regular vets don’t necessarily have.

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