Dog Hair Dye Slander


New member
Rant: I’m just so tired of scrolling on Facebook in various dog groups and seeing 60 year old Becky and Linda so pissed off that someone dyed the hair of their dog with doggy safe dye. Usually they start off their comment spree with “wHy?!” I don’t know Mary Anne Lee Smith, because people like to express themselves? Ya know, like how some people get tattoos or piercings or dye their own hair? Like your 60 whole years old, use your context clues you’ve had plenty of time to develop them. And for fuck sake, leave. other. people. alone. 🙄
@davidsouth My store gets a little poodle mix who comes in with a little Mohawk and a fluffy little pink tail and the number of other customers who turn to me and say “poor dog” get under my skin. I think the only times I’ve indicated to the person I heard what they said was to say “I dunno, she looks like a happy little thing to me :)” or “oh they’re regulars here. They have such a sweet bond :)” and that’s gotten them to drop it with me, haha.
I’ve seen too much real abuse and neglect to give a care about how someone who keeps their dog groomed gets creative with it.
@davidsouth I had a guy at the vet ask me if blue, BLUE was my dog's natural color haha! Me and the techs had a good chuckle. Of course the same guy swore that poodles didn't come in "large size"
@davidsouth There are some segments of the population that have a higher proportion of crazy people. There are dog people, there are Dog People and then there are dog people know what I mean?
@davidsouth People just need something to bitch about. I got all sorts of crazy looks when my pup was green but it was too fun and cute to care! In another life (not literally I just made a very drastic change LOL) I was surrounded by people who could do nothing but look at others and express their distaste. It's like actually crazy how it permeates every aspect of their lives. When you see someone judging for something silly like that, pity them. Trust me. You would feel sorry for them

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