Dog groomers of r/dogcare, questions about grooming a double coated dog


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I've been trying to find a new groomer since our current one isn't the most knowledgable and shaved my pom mix (w/o telling me). Now his coat is a different texture and his undercoat is now the same length, if not longer. Is there a way this can even be fixed or a way to at least make him more comfortable while his fur grows back to it's original length?

Some places say they do undercoat stripping and deshedding, but I'm not sure what would be appropriate for my dog's coat.

EDIT: Thanks for the responses! Here are some before and after photos:

Original length: 1 and 2

directly after haircut

Now: 1 and 2
@zetetica Also a groomer here. Never go to that groomer again! As far as regrowth, really, it may never grow back to how it was before, but chances are good that it will if that was only his first time being shaved. It will just take A TON of time to do so, possibly a couple years. In the mean time, definitely keep him out of the sun due to his skin being exposed, as it's never been exposed before. Also in the mean time, brush him out regularly as you would normally, because you especially do not want that new growth to get matted & have to get shaved off; then you're just back to square one. Still take him to a new groomer regularly & MAKE SURE they know that you are growing him out (however unlikely, there could have been a miscommunication last time), & you just want him brushed out & any trimming up. Good luck finding a new groomer!
@zetetica So I just saw the pictures, & he actually looks pretty good! I was picturing a small pomeranian; he's more of a terrier or golden mix, but he has a really nice coat already. More of a golden retriever coat if anything. He should then actually be pretty well back to normal by fall/winter. Since he has undercoat, still keep him well brushed out with a hard slicker brush. Also, I wouldn't worry about keeping him out of the sun too much, it looks like he has a good enough portion of his coat back to mask him from the sun. Just be sure that your groomer knows that you just want him trimmed! You're right, he looks WAY cuter with his coat! Feel free to pm me if you want anymore grooming advice :).
@zetetica Well he'll probably be pretty fuzzy for fall/winter, more like long-fuzzy. On the bright side, you'll see guard hairs coming back through! Like I said, it'll take more time than you'd like, but definitely keep him brushed out & bathed in the meantime, & that will make the process much easier.

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