Dog granny of 4 and I’m losing it … HELP !

I have 2 poms , male and female and of course mom eventually ends up pregnant and births 4 little fluffs . I love these babes soooo much but I don’t have the time , resources or finances to keep any of them so I am raising them to be rehomed .

But here is the problem : they are currently 6 weeks and it’s requiring too much work and I’m wondering am I doing something wrong . At least twice a day I let them out of the little playpen thing to play freely because of I don’t they literally scream and holler to the top of their lungs for as long as their little lungs allow (which could be over an hour sometimes) . I always check all the boxes when this happens to make sure they are comfy (food , water , toys , it gets a bit warm in my house so they even have a personal fan) and that’s literally not enough . Then i feel bad because I have roommates and my house is huge but I can still hear their whines piercing through the entire house . They want out ! Once they are out all chaos breaks loose ! They bite my feet , chew on shoes , use the bathroom constantly on my floor despite being on puppy pads in the playpen . Hubby even discovered poop under the bed in a not so pleasant way lol . I don’t want to make them stay in the pen 24/7 because that’s literally prison ! But chasing them and cleaning up after all 4 of them gets exhausting . I feel like I’m cleaning my space triple time because the babes are wild .

The next issue is when they are in the pen they are starting to chew up the puppy pads which makes poop and pee leak through to the floor often (so as stated before I have to clean up after them a lot more than I used to have to when they were smaller) the BIGGEST problem though is they are constantly stepping and rolling in poop ! Plenty of nights I woke up to check on them and they are laying in it or really just covered in it from playing and tussling and rolling around in it . I usually try to remove the poopies as they come but as stated my day is so hectic so I’m in and out all day or when I’m sleep at night I’m not able to catch them every time . That or they pulled up the puppy pad chewing on it so the poop is smashed into my floor (thank goodness I have hardwood floors !) I even bathe them every couple days or so despite advice saying don’t do that yet but they are gritty and smell so bad sometimes !

I’m not making this post to be criticized about my care for the pups . I’ve had puppies before but it was one puppy . I’ve never had two dogs and birthed a litter so this is very much a learning experience for me . I’m truly looking for advice and suggestions . Momma needs some help !!!
@walterm%C3%BCller There is no real solution to this. You decided to breed two dogs and this is how puppies are. Having very young puppies like this is a crazy amount of work and a huge mess. Get through the next 2+ weeks, rehome the dogs and then get your two adult dogs spayed/neutered before this happens again.
@cansas Not ignored . She came to me pregnant without me knowing . I have no intentions on fixing them . You’re giving me long term advice when I’m just currently going through a current mishap that i wad unprepared for . I didn’t ask for a permanent fix . Just some tips to get me through until they are rehomed . That’s it and that’s all . Again I’m not looking for criticism as stated in the original post .
@cansas And that’s fine . I never said that was the issue . This is just my first time that’s it’s happening and it blind sided me . I wasnt looking for criticism or permanent solutions . Just some tips as stated .
@cansas You’re saying stop doing it like it was my intention this time … once again , I got the dog and she was already pregnant . And I’m not fixing my dogs because eventually once I get everything legit I will breed my dogs . I already paid for my license lol . The pups being born just blindsided my entire process because I didn’t get the opportunity to prepare for their arrival . And also my babes already all have homes . Was just waiting for them to wean off mom . So what’s the problem with me choosing to have pups again ?
. So what’s the problem with me choosing to have pups again ?

What breed of dog is this? What health testing have you done? Why are you deciding to breed these particular doga? What ENS are you doing with the puppies? Essentially what makes you different from any other completely unethical backyard breeder?
@cansas It’s like you can read but your comprehension skills aren’t that great . I received the dog pregnant unknown to my knowledge , therefore literally none of that was done . So because I was unprepared this litter none of that was done . So I’m rehoming them to family and friends to ensure they will be taken care of and not neglected or tossed to the side to a shelter like a backyard breeder would have done .
I crate my dogs separately and when they play together , dad wears a diaper to ensure he doesn’t hump her again . So again tell me what’s wrong with choosing to have puppies again once I’m knowledgeable enough to do so ? I’m clearly looking for advice so when I’m ready for it to happen again , I’m more prepared than this seeing as this is my first time ever raising pups from a newborn . I really don’t know why I’m explaining myself to a nobody that clearly has nothing better to do than attack people on a cyber board looking for genuine advice for a temporary problem . Really trying to figure that part out though
@cansas What makes me different from “completely unethical backyard breeders” is the fact that I’m still learning and ONCE AGAIN was totally unprepared for a litter of pups . And also ONE MORE TIME I got her and she was pregnant already unknown to mine and the previous owners’ knowledge . I didn’t carelessly breed them
@walterm%C3%BCller I've raised several litters of puppies and use an exersize pen for their inside enclosure. They need to go outside several times a day to potty. Plus outside in a supervised area or large pen for play. Wake early take/lure puppies directly outside to grass and even 5 week old pups start to learn fast to potty outside. Not twice a day, every couple hours out to potty and after every meal and every waking from naps. Playtime should be for about an hour best outside but if its inside have an area, a room? without items to tear-up. It is past time to have people visit and reserve a pup. Small breeds are usually reserved early and actually go home with their new families at about 8/9 weeks of age. By that time pups should have their first vaccines and been checked by a Vet a couple times. Good Luck, have fun and please consider spay and neuter your 2 dogs or you'll have another litter in 6 months.
@jordan_cg Agree with this and good points on going directly outside in the morning & then going out at frequent intervals. It also helps to act like they performed a miracle when they potty outside- tons of verbal praise etc.
@jordan_cg I was concerned about it being too early for them to go outside or I would have been doing that so good to know ! I have been taking them outside as often as my schedule allows . I work a bunch of gigs so I’m in and out of the house all through the day . I really been looking to work from home just so I have more home time to spare just for that reason because I do wanna breed but the babes came kinda unexpected unfortunately . She was already pregnant when I got her and had pups not even a month later 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
@walterm%C3%BCller Can they go outside? We foster puppies and I take them outside to play & potty every few hours. They pick up potty training pretty quick this way. Also I usually put a sheet protector down as the base for their pen, then use many layers of old towels (then just pull top layer up if it gets soiled). Good luck, they are definitely a handful but it’s temporary.