Dog gave birth to a still born an hour ago and hasn’t delivered any others yet should I be concerned


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I’m staying at a friend’s house and a dog in the home is in labour. She delivered the first one about an hour and a half ago but it was not alive, likely because only its head was out for a while and she was sitting on its face. She is actively having contractions and pushing but nothing else is coming out yet. There are definitely more puppies in there but I’m not sure if they’re alive. She is a beagle and French Bulldog mix. Should we just trust that nature will take its course, I don’t know anything about dog births.
@gusbus Why is your friend/friends family whelping a litter if they’re unable get this dog to the vet when she needs?

I’m sorry man but it looks like either your friend or their family are extremely neglectful backyard breeders
@bailey2017 My friend’s family was not the breeders it was the son of a roommate at the house. His landlord wouldn’t allow more than one dog so he dumped the pregnant one somewhere else. Roommate was not home during this and wasn’t responding until the next morning. Definitely neglectful I was just trying to help out the best I could when I was there.
@bailey2017 Yes she needed surgery but got to the vet and had the rest of the pups removed. She was carrying 9 pups. 5 made it through and mom’s recovering. They’re with a local rescue organization now to be better taken care of and adopted to good homes.
@gusbus You should not trust. She needs a vet. The puppies could be to large. Their heads could be to large. If she has dead puppies she could die.
@gusbus There is no 'nature taking it's course' with French bulldogs, those guys are c-sections, they can't give birth naturally. Probably the same for mixes.

If you want this dog to live you find a way to get her to the vet.
@gusbus (French bulldogs especially) you should always have a back up plan to go to emergency vet if needed for whelping dogs, just in case. Very bad planning on your friends part.

It's very risky to just let nature take its course as brachy dogs are unnatural and can't always give birth naturally. This means that there is a very high chance the mum can die during labour, even if you think the majority of pups are out. If after a while you decide to take her for caesarean but it's been left for ages she could still die on the table.

The fact that you have to ask online is not good and shows you don't know what you are doing. And the fact that one puppy got sat on until it died. There are many other signs to look out for of things going wrong and if you don't know what to look for fast enough it can go wrong.

If I'm coming across as harsh I actually don't care the amount of dogs and puppies that suffer during labour and sometimes die due to bad planning, trying to save money or whatever... I've seen alot of it. If a person doesn't plan for labour to go wrong and their dog dies because of it that is all on the owner. It is their fault their dog died.

Find someone to drive you to the vets.
@thirtysomethingwife Hey I totally understand your comment. I just happened to be staying at a friends when this began to happen. Nobody in the house had any knowledge of dog labour or pregnancy, it was definitely badly planned. We were on the phone trying to reach the owners all night but it wasn’t until the next day that they showed up. She ended up going to ER vet 12 hours later. 5 made it and mom made it through the surgeries she needed. Theyre all in the care of a local rescue organization and will be adopted out to owners who know how to care for them
@madmonk We did! She’s okay and 5 healthy puppies. We wouldn’t let the owners take her back she’s with a rescue organization that will take them to better homes when the time is right!

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