Do y’all sometimes feel like you don’t do enough for your dog?

@matfletch Depends, I'm a third worlder (From Venezuela), I don't take my dog on hikes or to cool places because I don't have a car, and the area where I live is either buildings areas or slum areas in like a 50 mile radius.
@kakerot0 I was using that as an example but yeah my dog literally can’t go on hikes. He’s kinda missing a leg and would have to take a ton of breaks and yeah.
@snw OP do not feel bad you don’t take your dog hiking. There’s plenty of other fun activities to mentally and physically exercise your dog.
@kakerot0 All dogs are different.

Hiking is one of our favorite hobbies. We took our last dog hiking every weekend. Long hikes, overnights - she was always game.

When she passed away, we got a puppy who is now 1.5 - we take her hiking and she does amazing..once she is there.

However, she hates the car. We have tried everything to get her to overcome this fear. Special treats, a special car seat, carsick meds. It’s still a battle to get her in the car and she’s pathetic the entire time she’s in the car.

She would much prefer a walk to the neighborhood park and time running around in an open field either chasing a frisbee or playing with a dog friend.

So we hike less and go to the park more these days.

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