Do teen pups get more teen-y over time?

This seems like a silly question but I guess I’m asking anyway. My GSD/Dalmatian/Mutt is turning 6 months tomorrow. He was fixed at 7.5 weeks before we adopted him from the shelter. He’s 70 pounds of flailing energetic love, and has recently begun his adolescent behaviors: chomping everything with his new big teeth, pulling and bark bark borking on leash, taking his sweet old time with commands. For some reason I had been thinking that these behaviors will increase throughout his teenage-dom, but maybe not? Is this the worst it will get and I can feel pretty lucky having a barky, boner-y teenager with no more significant issues? Or will he get more teenager-y as time goes by and I need to strap in for the ride?
@forgivenacceptedsaved Omg my pup is almost 1 and I was hopeful we had an easy adolescent period but unfortunately it just seems to be starting 😭 I'm hoping it's maybe just a bad week (and he's been sick) but this week has been horrible! I've found it's helped to up the high value treats and do some more training with him. He knows the basic obedience commands so we're working on learning some new tricks. Personally I've found that helps us bond and him listen to me better!
@bernard2291 Haha, so maybe this is just phase 1 and I’m being pulled into a false sense of security. Good tip about upping the training during this time! We’re working on under, over, and around, but I might also need to revisit the basics so they stay solid.
@forgivenacceptedsaved Hopefully it doesn't hit you too hard!! I do believe I've had an easier adolescence period than I've heard people talk about on here or from friends of mine but I've found it definitely comes in phases for my pup, currently in the worst (and hopefully last) one!!
@bernard2291 How old is your pup? And what does a “worst phase” look like? Honestly I’m ok with the chewing — we’re tearing this house down to rebuild anyway, so he’s just getting a head start — but I keep reading about “challenging other male dogs” as an adolescent issue, esp. among GSD’s and that will be harder to navigate. He has gotten so much better playing with other dogs and I’d hate to see that backslide. It was a lot of work to get to this point.
@forgivenacceptedsaved He'll be 1 in two weeks! He's a party mix (shepherd, lab, great Dane). He hasn't had too many issues with challenging other dogs, he mainly wants to play with them. Our biggest thing is him not listening (like AT ALL) and his mouthiness gets worse. He doesn't bite but is very mouthy. He hasn't chewed on any parts of the house or furniture in probably 4-5 months so that's been nice but he also loves chewing his bene bones so they keep him entertained
@forgivenacceptedsaved My Dal 100% went through adolescent around the 8-10 month mark and it was brutal. He was then a model citizen until about 13 months and I’m not going to lie, we’re still going through it now at the 15 month mark. I will say that during the first round of adolescence, he was just a straight up terror with no positive qualities most of the days! This time around, he’s still got super annoying behaviors (he literally ate a piece of my wall the other day) but I can also see a lot of his “adult” behaviors settling in. He’s much better at self soothing, settling on his own and playing/entertaining himself. Bewitching hour is still when he gets the most annoying but then he crashes for the night and sleeps until 7-8am. There’s hope, just keep sticking through those first 16-18 months! You’ve got this :)
@socraticmethod Oh man, good to know I shouldn’t think it’s over if he calms down for a bit. I’m telling myself I’m in for a ride until he’s two and if he happens to chill before then (and some of the house is still intact), all the better.