Do puppies become more interested in food over time?

Our 8 week old BC puppy likes food, but is not focusing on food/treats or is readily excited about lunch/dinner. She's shown little interest in Kongs with PB in it. Will she soon start to become more attentive to food/treats? It's made crate training a little more difficult as she'll wonder off after a couple of pieces of chicken.

I'm not expecting her to roll over within these few weeks, but I'd like to find a way to make her more happy to stay in the crate instead of eventually tricked to be (stay) in there.

Tax: Calypso
@ashleychristine8 Our 3 month puppy was like that at first (got him at 8 weeks). Lunch would come and he still had food left in his bowl from breakfast, same for dinner. Not anymore!! He jumps, barks, and goes absolutely insane when he knows I’m about to feed him. I asked the vet and she said his weight was ok, he was peeing and pooping, not to worry about it. Give him a few days. Good luck!!
@ashleychristine8 Same here! At 8 weeks she was not food motivated at all and never finished her meals. No interest in treats. Only small pieces of boiled chicken got her excited and allowed me to train her. She's now 14 weeks, finishes all of her meals and I can use kibble and other dog treats for training and is always looking for more :)
@ashleychristine8 Yep, I found the bag also recommended way more than the breeder was feeding my puppy. So I was trying to force feed her tons of food. She still doesn't eat everything in her bowl all the time at 11 weeks, but I can totally see her food drive has gone up and so has her total intake.

Breeder's advice: They're dogs, they won't starve themselves. Maybe try soaking the kibble in warm water so it's softer and sometimes easier on their growing teeth/jaws.

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