Do not use Farmer’s Dog! It can give your dog pancreatitis!

@katherinej Just came here to say same. I was a huge advocate of them, my dog loved the food and had way more energy on it.

She’s been vomiting blood and her enzyme levels were high. My vet asked me what table food she’s been getting and all she eats in farmers dog and freeze dried beef heart/liver treats. That’s all I ever give her.
@katherinej For those mentioning pancreatitis we’ve had our little Maltipoo on Hydrolyzed Protein from Royal Canine and her weight is perfect and she’s doing VERY well on it. Poor baby can’t deviate AT ALL even if she’s out of food in some rare circumstance- rice on boiled chicken can set her off. So can separation anxiety or licking her paws too much- and like many of you feel - this dog is my world. She is EVERYTHING to me and I’ll always do my best to keep her healthy and happy. She’s doing great. For treats her tummy can handle I have some dried sweet potato pieces she really likes. Pancreatitis is a scary diagnosis but managed well you pup can THRIVE!! We love her with all our heart!
@katherinej can i ask you what your dogs first symptoms were? my dogs been on FD for a handful of months now and she most recently has been throwing up after eating. after reading this it makes me want to start her back on pro purina tomorrow morning. im scared!