Do not use Farmer’s Dog! It can give your dog pancreatitis!


New member
We all of my dogs on Farmers Dog and within 3 months one of my dogs contracted severe pancreatitis. We almost lost her and we still might. When we talked to the vet they told us the high fat content of Farmers Dog most likely caused this. And my dogs were constantly hungry on this food. If you care about your dog, do not use this food.

And it is unreasonably expensive at $400 a month for three small dogs just for my dogs to be constantly hungry and to end up with severe pancreatitis.
@katherinej I hate these never ending new fresh food companies. They have simply not been around long enough to be 100% sure of the safety of their foods yet they’ll talk endless shit about kibble just to make owners feel bad and buy their product. Then this shit happens.

I am so sorry and I hope your dog hangs in there.
@givenallthings Yes thank you. Vets make no money off food - we recommend what is scientifically proven to provide all essential elements (and tested). Almost all of the advertising/propaganda regarding vets being paid by food companies is from these boutique companies that do no testing and charge 5x the price.
@algneral Thanks for what you do. Yeah people fall for the advertising and reading misleading labels. My girl is in top health and has been on Hill’s for years. The bloodwork and UA I get her yearly shows it. A lot of boutique brand places seem to be anti vet/vaccine. It’s sad. Proper and timely medical care and preventive care helps dogs live longer lives.
@givenallthings I am glad your pup is recovering! I lost my poodle to pancreatitis :( I had switched from hills that he had been doing perfectly on to a premix that you add raw meat to (Volhard NDF) It was horrible.

Additionally both my yorkie and chihuahua developed urinary issues from the excess minerals in the raw food.

I’m never going to let anyone make me feel guilty about what I feed ever again. All my dogs are back on hills. Just had both girls checked bloodwork and UA and all back to normal thankfully.

I will take 50 years of scientific research over marketing any day
@givenallthings It's a very common misleading tactic, make an inferior product, then price it high enough to where people assume it must be high quality, and defend it because they spent a lot of money on it.
@katherinej I understand it’s a lifelong thing though. My girl’s poops aren’t 100% normal. She tends towards constipation these days. We’re gonna have to try lots of different foods to get perfect poops. No diarrhea but still….hope it ends up being an easier road for you.
@katherinej Yep. This is why I stick with Purina pro plan/ my dogs are super healthy, great coats, great weight, energy, etc and I feel good because it’s one of the 5 dog foods that meet WSAVA guidelines.