[Discussion] Puppies are expensive. Are you really ready for the cost?

@jewe6l0187 Oh God, we're going to do this? Please don't make me do this...haha

My Lab has had an uneventful puppyhood so far and I had most of the things I needed but she's still pushing $5k. Granted, a significant portion of that is sports-related training/equipment and health testing that most people wouldn't do.
@jewe6l0187 Oh boy. In canadian dollars, Kiba costs 2200, almost 1000 for his classes so far (puppy class, agility and intermediate), i got my crate, shaver, and grooming table 2nd hand, xpen and peepads for free, grooming supplies including high velocity dryer maybe about 200. Professional grooming (every 8 weeks) about 100 each time. Vets etc i dont know, husband is the one who takes him to vet. Plus toys, food, treats, harness. Yep, puppy is expensive.
@jewe6l0187 I'm just shy of two weeks with my "free dog" who came with a variety of things and I've already spent $300.

For Louis I was probably close to where you are. I had less large object purchases, though; my bigger purchases were daycare and some extra items... And he was another "free dog," so my $3000 didn't even include cost of a puppy.

So, just an FYI: "Free dogs" are rarely free!

Side note: when can we expect your dog blog?
@servadac Pretty sure Gin cost me $4,000 in her first year because I went first dog crazy and she was only $100 to adopt 😂.

Tbh I have been thinking about a blog or vlog for some time .... But I'd have to give it more thought.
@jewe6l0187 We have had many years to accumulate extra crates, coats, dremels, dog beds etc etc. My mom basically donated everything to me when I moved to SF with my girl because it seemed silly to buy everything again.

However I spent almost 3k in vet bills over 8 or so months, when the warmer, more damp climate caused her allergies to go wild, so it ended up evening out.
@jewe6l0187 I haven't kept track of what I've spent on Morgan so far. I don't want to know 🤣

Easily over 4k. Between classes, vet visits(both expected and unexpected), her initial purchase price, and various other supplies, I've shelled out quite a bit of money for her care over the past 7 months.
@jewe6l0187 My Great Dane puppy, between purchase price and supplies, cost me over $4,000 in the first year of his life. Not including his two eye surgeries (80% covered by insurance, thankfully) that cost $3,800, and the time I missed from work while he was recovering.

Next puppy (due in two days) will cost me well into the $6,000 range for the first year of ownership.

I really don't want to list the expenses. It's depressing :p
@jewe6l0187 I also tend not to keep track of pet expenses in general, and have quite a few things stocked up from previous pups which cuts down costs significantly.

I'd say initial expenses for my current girl in AUD (14 weeks, show quality, limited register, microchipped, vaccinated to date, etc):
  • American Akita puppy - $3,500.00
  • Dedicated pet transport flight (inc carrier rent) - $250.00
  • Collar and tags - $60.00
  • Council registration - $160.00
  • Adding chip details to national registry because for some reason NSW doesn't do that - $20.00
One offs:
  • Spey - $480.00
  • Gastropexy - $500.00
  • Vaccines/Boosters - $150.00
Ongoing expenses:
  • Bag premium dog food (lasts about a month) - $150.00
  • Groomers every 6 - 8 weeks - $70.00
  • Daycare (approx 4 months total) - $3,200.00
Of course there are lots of other expenses, from treats and chews, worming pills, flea treatment, replacing toys, vet check ups, meds for that time she got a sinus infection (which was super gross), supplements, occasional walkers, impulse buys, so on and so forth. I just don't worry about the money because I've already committed to it by virtue of owning a dog.

I do think that I also come out better than a lot of new dog owners not just because I already own a lot of things, but because I know what I don't need at this point. I've known a few people during their first puppy ownership period that just bought everything the store clerks recommend, most of which is unnecessary and ends up being tossed out.
@jewe6l0187 Suggest adding costs of you taking him to "fun matches" so you practice conformation handling in an actual show ring. He has to learn to show himself off to the Judge and show off his gait.

Entry fee is just the start. Probably the costs of a professional handler for real shows unless you intend to show him yourself. The way to find a pro for your breed is to ask the breeder who they use or check in large dog show catalogs. The pro handlers are listed in back of catalog as 'agents' of Saluki (or whatever breed you're looking for a pro handler for) Sometimes pro handlers take dogs to several shows around the country. Very expensive but sometimes a dog can finish a championship in 3 major shows.
@jordan_cg Those are budgeted out of my monthly expenses and not his puppy savings :)

I will be handling him myself as this is a hobby I want to learn and take part in. I have obtained a local mentor with Afghan Hounds and she will be helping me get introduced to the show world and learn proper techniques.
@jewe6l0187 Excellent to have a local mentor. This is the best of times just starting out. The first ribbon you'll keep forever. Have fun, enjoy the journey and good luck.

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